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The Fat

Just about any of them as MWF has such a neutral/fresh scent. It won't clash with any after shave.
I can´t think of any AS that would give a problem when used after MWF. Pick whatever you like; I am using a lot of Pitralon Classic lately.
i have a sample enroute of this much touted mwf soap.
got a sample of Cella from brick and klar kabinett too.
should be here on wednesday.
I also think any scent should work after using the Fat, but find myself reaching for Proraso splash or Aqua Velva most often.
+1 to all of the above. Mwf only has a very very light "clean" scent to begin with and it really doesn't hang around after the shave. The question shouldn't be what scent goes with Mwf. Instead you should ask which AS doesn't interfere with the skin care properties of Mwf after the shave. At least that is what I think.

But it does bring up the question for me of how to describe the scent of the Fat besides using the words "clean" or "soapy?"
Thank you, regularfella. Would have never guessed. It smells a little bit (not much) different from the rosemary I have in my kitchen. Maybe the other ingredients in the Fat threw me off.
I also think any scent should work after using the Fat, but find myself reaching for Proraso splash or Aqua Velva most often.

Aqua Velva rely Boris with you know about scent this is surprise for me nay be there is more to Aqua Velva then what I thought?
It's Rosemary.

I think there is light rosemary and a little vanilla and a slight touch of wet sheep

Turtle is spot on the describtion. Also it´s great in these cold, dry conditions that some of us are experiencing right now. (Ok it´s slushy in Stockholm right now). This soap is a a work horse (sheep). Does not pretend that you are telepathically transferred to Provence or some Arcadian village in Italy. I like it a lot. It´s old school, it´s often mentioned in the forums and yes it´s darn good. And no it will not clash with your prefered AS.

Just about any of them as MWF has such a neutral/fresh scent. It won't clash with any after shave.
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