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The end-all boar brush help!

I think my various AD's are clearing up. I'm on a super tight budget, but my tweezerman is just a total pain to use. It's scritchy and I don't like how it lathers.

I'm looking for the ultimate boar brush. Something under $25. I face lather a lot so I'm interested in a brush that feels luxurious on the face and soft. I've heard a lot about the Semogue 1305, I think I might go with that.

I've also heard a lot about the Omega Pro 49 but I think the Semogue line is much better from what I've read. I'm not looking for something "cheap" per se, I wouldn't take the $12 over a $20 because its cheaper and may perform less.

So I ask you gents for some help! Seeing as I can't afford a silvertip anytime soon, I need the absolute best boar for $25 or less. Thanks for any tips :)

Edit: Sometimes I dabble in bowl lathering, but not too much. So just putting it out there if it helps.
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I have a soc in boar and I love it. I have never used a Semogue 1305, but based on my experience with my SOC, I would stick with Semogue. If you want a larger brush, you might also consider the semogue 2000.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Omega Pro 49. Absolutely a great brush for those on a tight budget. If you want to spend up to $25 you can spring for the Semogue, but you certainly don't have to. If $$ is that tight, get the Omega and you'll have enough left over to grab a soap/cream/aftershave.
You pretty much can't make a bad choice with any Semogue or Omega. The only really big difference is that Semogues seem to take longer to get fully broken in, and the handles on Semogues are made from nicer material than the Omegas. Both are very fine brushes. If you want an Omega, might I suggest the 31025? It has a heavy acrylic handle where as the Pro 49 has a lighter plastic handle.
go with a semogue from vintage scent. it takes a week or two for the package to get to illinois from spain (i live near peoria), but the prices can't be beat. (leon only charges about $3.00 to ship a brush to illinois from spain). i think i paid between $25 to $30 u.s. with shipping for my soc boar. i also own a semogue 620 and love it, but i feel the soc boar is the best of the boar's that i have owned and would recommend it even though it seems to be a bit out of your price range. the soc boar is the most expensive non-le boar brush that vintage scent has, so i am confident you could get any of the other boars on vintage scent in your price range. (also, if you go to vintage scent's web site you will pay the non-vac price, as we do not live in the european union and are not subject to their taxes)
I need the absolute best boar for $25 or less.
Best is always subjective/YMMV on any topic and even the boar users don't all agree on which is the best boar. Not that it really matters anyway as even if there was one that they all thought was best that doesn't mean that you'd think the same brush was best. Good luck in finding it. I wouldn't just assume that you can poll and make one purchase to find your best so enjoy the journey and don't overlook BST for anything that isn't your "absolute best". Keep in mind that boars do break in and that it takes time.

You pretty much can't make a bad choice with any Semogue or Omega.
Any boar from Semogue or Omega will make you happy.
Unless you find that you don't prefer boars but someone will probably be happy to buy it. Everyone should definitely try at least one boar to determine that preference.
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Thanks guys for the suggestions. I did some research on the 620, and apparently people say its more scrubby than the 1305. Just wanted to reiterate that since I primarily face lather, I would like a super soft brush. I switch off from VDH and just got a big supply of C.O. Cream. Strongly leaning to the 1305 since it's comparable (comparable, not the same though) to a silvertip within my price range.

jochums dude, you're awesome! The total cost of the brush is less than 20, whereas on most other sites its around 25 or so. Cool deal! I think I'll purchase it within the next week or 2. Any other suggestions are appreciated too
jochums dude, you're awesome! The total cost of the brush is less than 20, whereas on most other sites its around 25 or so. Cool deal! I think I'll purchase it within the next week or 2. Any other suggestions are appreciated too

before you think i am too awesome, i forgot to tell you that since the package will be coming from overseas that someone has to be home to sign for it (or you will have to go to the post office to pick it up i think). my wife was always home to sign for it. fyi
Semogue 1800 is an excellent brush for face lathering, and can be used for bowl/ scuttle as well.

Available on eBay for $20 shipped if you don't want to wait for shipping from Portugal
I have both the B&B Essential and a new Semogue 620. If you are more concerned about softness of the tips, I would lean towards the B&B brush because it was soft from the get-go. My Semogue is not scritchy, but it does appear to have even more backbone which relates to a firmer face feel.

You really can't go wrong with either of these- maybe you could grab both?!
jochums: damn...so if I'm not at home to pick it up they'll take it to the post office? Hmm I suppose I might have to do that since I'm not home during the day.
I am afraid that you will have to use a boar before you find out what you really expect from a 'best boar'. Till then there are dozens and dozens of possible contenders. But you do have to start somewhere and it is hard to go wrong with an Omega or Semogue boar though I find most Vulfix boars softer than both.
jochums: damn...so if I'm not at home to pick it up they'll take it to the post office? Hmm I suppose I might have to do that since I'm not home during the day.

i think you have to go to the post office...like i said, my wife always signed for me...maybe you could ship it to someone's home who you know will be home.
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