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The "Derby tears me up" PIF

It was the best of times.. it was the worst of times.

Each Derby blade I have tried from my collection of vertical-pack Derby's has been an experience by itself. When its smooth, its super-smooth and gives me 5+ wonderful, irritation-free shaves. When its bad, I push myself through 0.5-3 horrible shaves before chucking the blade. Corking, no corking, tried it all.

So here goes the rest of my Derby's (around 18 or so). If you are curious as to what the vertical packing blades are like, or just want to try them, this is for you. Just say the word and you will get 3 brand new Derby blades shipped to you wherever you are in the world.

The only condition is that you have to try all 3 blades (even if you chuck them all after 0.5 shaves each) and report back on your experience with them. Game? PM me!
Very nice RTT! Always good to have someone else be able to try some blades before they try--especially a blade as commonly tried as the Derby. I know I have a big box of 100 I give away with razors simply because they aren't my faves either.
I picked up a 100 pack of Derby's and think they are pretty good. I get some irritation around the neck after a shave but think it is just me putting presure or just rushing it. I'm still new to wet shaving and think this is one really good offer. I'm going use my 100 pack and try something different when they are done. I should have gone with a sample pack before picking up the 100 pack....:blushing:
12 blades are in envelopes. Which means 4 people of the list will get their blades shipped today and 1 will have to wait till tomorrow - send me your addresses if you haven't already


I found only 17 blades this morning instead of the 18 I was expecting - I'll have to confirm later tonight if I have one more set that I can send out or not, but feel free to throw your name into the ring if you are interested, if I can't find 3 blades, I will ship you 2 Derbys + 1 mystery blade

my blades arrived as well. i'll be sure to give them a try come december when i can finally shave my face again. thanks again for a nice PIF.
The blades arrived a few days ago and I finally got to try the blades today.

It seemed like a solid blade, no complaints. Not especially sharp, somewhat duller than the sharks and bluebirds i've been using, but not uncomfortable.
A little bit of tugging even on a fresh blade, but my facial hair seems to do that no matter what blade i use, specially around the chin and goatee area.

It left significantly more stubble after the first pass than with the Shark I was using immediately before.

Overall i like the Derby, not a favourite, but ill post again when I use once more.
Blades arrived on Thursday but I was out of town. Well tried them out in the slim adjustable. It was a bit rough compared to a Lord super stainless. Will have to see on the second shave.

Thanks again
Took my sweet time with these blades and cycled them with a Feather and then a Shark. They are decent blades in my opinion, and managed to last me roughly 7 shaves (which is about average for me). The blades were consistent for me, and while I found the Sharks to be smoother, and the feathers to be sharper, I would have no problems using Derbys for an extended period of time.

Thanks for the chance to try these blades rtt; appreciate it. But I don't think I'll be repurchasing these; despite their cheap price.
From my limited experience with blade sampler packs I've found the Derbys to be good blades, sharp but forgiving and not wimpy. Unless I find something else they're going to be my basic go-to blade for daily use and to initially try in new razors. Plus, they're very affordable.
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