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The Czechs

The new guy here.

I see you all talking about the German Murkers and I was wondering if the Czechs are doing any razors that are any good? They do very good work in other fields of machine work. I would think that this would be a natural for them.
I whish they still did. I started out with an Astra TTO DE 2 decades ago; cheap, cheaply made but it performed very well for 15 years.
I do visit the Czech Republic every other year or so but all I find nowadays are russian made Astra blades, Wilkinson classic razors and now and then an old (tech like) Lord razor.
I would be interested too if someone came up with an all metal Czech DE; their engineering is usually far better than the prices of their products would suggest.
Just found another old czech safety razor company.

There is an Antique fair that i go to twice a month, the last couple of times i have been there, there was a guy from Belgium that had a mint looking Razor styled like a Fat handled tech but more fancy for sale for £20.00 i swear it had the name Soluna on the razor.....

It was more than i normally pay so i didn't get it, i am going again in 10 days so if it's there and i can haggle him down to say £12-15 i will get it, from what i remember it was nice condition & very shiny. :001_smile
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