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The Cult of Apple

So I went into an Apple retail store today and it was like walking into a scene from George Orwell's 1984.

The store was HUGE , it had product laid out all on flat consistently sized tables all open for inspection.

I was in a trance.
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I have not been to a Apple store. Don't Plan to go to a Apple store.
I get my apples from Fred down on the market.
I bought some apples from the IGA near my uni last week, and they were terrible. Half had the texture of sand, and the other half just had no flavour.
I have a Mac, and iPad, and an iPod...even Apple TV. I like them, and they're good products. But I really don't understand the "cult" mentality. I prefer to use Chrome or Opera over Safari, and Microsoft's Outlook Mail over Safari and iCloud mail. Everything Apple does isn't a home run.

I suppose the atmosphere of the Apple store is just very good marketing. If you make your customers feel like your products come from some sleek, modern ideal world, they'll line up to buy them.
oh don't get me wrong...I want an iphone and love my Ipod/pad... alas, I'm stuck with a blackberry for at least another year - had a Iphone 2 but it couldn't handle my email..

they are brilliant at marketing, just not a cult member :)


Needs milk and a bidet!
i have an iphone, and ipad, and a Mac mini. and soon will purchase an Apple TV (waiting for HBO Go app to be on it). i like Apple products, i think they are well built, but i too use Chrome (on my Mac) and like Outlook better. i think its the software department they lack in. simple products that are well designed and work with each other flawlessly, but when it comes to software...simple isnt always better.

did you ever notice while at an Apple retail store they keep the laptop screen angled down? they basically force you touch their product. to move the screen so you can see it better. they dont rush you out, they will let you play with their toys as long as you like. they are masters at marketing. masters.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I am against the entire Apple paradigm of the user being unable to use his hardware any way he wants to use it. I don't like the idea of the manufacturer making all my decisions for me. I don't want my hand held. I don't want to be forced to buy only "official" repair or upgrade components, or have no choice in operating system. I certainly don't think I should have to pay for that sort of treatment. However, I will say that I love my iPhone.

My JAILBROKE iPhone, that is.
I am against the entire Apple paradigm of the user being unable to use his hardware any way he wants to use it. I don't like the idea of the manufacturer making all my decisions for me. I don't want my hand held. I don't want to be forced to buy only "official" repair or upgrade components, or have no choice in operating system. I certainly don't think I should have to pay for that sort of treatment.
+1 - There's nothing that burns up more time than trying to make a Mac work the way my company wants it to instead of how Apple expects it to work.


If you have a Mac with an Intel processor--pretty much anything made after 2005--Apple makes it pretty easy to install Windows.

Also, I think it's cool how in the Apple store they check you out from any part of the store (no march to the cash register), offer to e-mail you a receipt, and if you make a subsequent purchase using the same CC, you don't need to tell them your e-mail address again. I think they are innovating in the retail space.

Personally I am an Android user.
I'm really kind of surprised and even a bit disappointed to see the old "You're a moron for using an iPhone/Driod/Blackberry" or whatever on this site of all places. I just never understood the need to bash others for the brand of phone they use.
Haven't we done this like...way too many times?

I submit a new Godwin's Law. Any internet forum in existence for more than 1 microsecond will end up with at least 1 thread a month that is nothing but a flame war between apple/microsoft.

Cmon guys, we're better than this, and we've done this same thread a million times. I see no point to this thread.

I have both systems at work. Both have their merits. Both have different way of getting things done. I like and use both. Why does it bother people that other people like apple?
I have an ipod but that's as much as I am willing to buy from Apple. Every now and then when I synch it with itunes it just deletes everything off the ipod. Then it takes a few hours to synch it again to get everything back on it.

I'd never consider an iPhone. When I need a new phone I will see what BB has at the time. If they don't have much of an offering I will look at Android phones.

Apple computers are simply overpriced. Maybe they have some feature that I don't know about that justifies the price, but I have always been happy with Windows machines.
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