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The Chubby 3 smashed into my mailbox today

After much research and deliberation with myself (not my wife), I decided to order a Chubby 3. It's my first chubby style handle, my first 2 band Simpsons, and my first really large knot (with my Rooney 3/3 26 mm being the largest up until now).

Here are my thoughts after one use of this brush.

-- The knot is really big, but not too big for me. I enjoyed the size because it gave me a great massage while face lathering. The face feel (largeness) of the brush reminded me of my Rooney 3/3 only with more density and scrub.

-- I'm not sure if I like the handle. I have large hands and long fingers and felt like the brush was missing a place to rest part of my palm. My fingers felt cramped on the handle.

-- Dry, this brush is really prickly and feels like thousands of needles poking your face. Wet, the brush is nice and soft with lots of scrub. I really enjoyed the feel on my face. It's not pillow like, but I don't care for overly soft brushes. That said, I'm now dying to try a Simpsons Super so I can experience a really soft and really dense brush. I was leaning towards the Tulip 4.

-- It completely destroyed my puck of Provence Sante Verlaine. The soap was so scared, it lathered up before the brush even touched the puck.

-- I never really had a problem getting soap out of the brush. There were occasions where one area of the brush would dry up, but this thing is sooooo big that all I had to do was rotate the brush and find another area with gobs of lather.

-- The density of this brush is outstanding.

Here are mandatory pre and post bloom pics. I used the yogurt cup as a size comparison. When researching this brush, I only saw pics of the brush alone or next to other brushes I didn't own, so I had no clue how large the brush was.


Overall, I like the brush. I'm not sure if I'm in love yet...time will tell. I have other brushes that I like just as much, if not more (Rooney 3/3 and Keyhole 4).
The chubby 3 will be a great addition. It might take some time to get used to the shorter handle but soon it will feel natural in your hands
That looks very nice and very tempting. I just picked up a Rooney 2XL and I love it so far.
I'm interested in how the Simpson 2 band hair compares to the Rooney Heritage hair.
I have two Chubby 3s, one vintage and one modern era. Unlike like your 2-band, my 3-bands feel soft wet or dry. I much prefer the modern version (left) as it is denser with more backbone. Both cover about a quarter of your face with pure luxury. They easily pick up product and I frequently reach for them when I'm including a head shave. For me, the CH3 is the preeminent Simpson brush for very good reason. I agree with Turtle that you'll likely quickly acclimate to the handle.

Everytime I see a Chubby 3 I lose all reasoning as to why I don't need one. I flat out just want one! Then it moves into the realm of Best or 3-band Super...
I have a 2 band Rooney Victorian that I purchased a couple of weeks ago, and the hair is remarkably similar. The Chubby is more densely packed, but each hair feels almost identical. The Chubby has more scrub because of the density. I would think with similar densities, the Rooney would feel better on the face because it's more fan shaped vs. bulb shaped. YMMV.

That looks very nice and very tempting. I just picked up a Rooney 2XL and I love it so far.
I'm interested in how the Simpson 2 band hair compares to the Rooney Heritage hair.
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Ya gotta love that beautiful bloom, I know there are some that don't like much bloom but I love it. I've been using HIS Synthetics quite a lot lately and the only thing I really don't like about them is they don't bloom, it just feels and looks wrong.
Ya gotta love that beautiful bloom, I know there are some that don't like much bloom but I love it. I've been using HIS Synthetics quite a lot lately and the only thing I really don't like about them is they don't bloom, it just feels and looks wrong.

Totally correct. Bloom is the brush orgasm.
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