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The blade can make all the difference

I've started working my way through my blade sampler for the second time, so Sunday morning I loaded up my ball handle Old Type with a Crown Super Stainless blade, lathered up with my Tweezerman brush and VDH, and proceeded with my normal 3 pass + touch up shave. I wasn't at all satisfied with the results, but didn't want to push it, so I settled for the dissatisfying shave that it was. I didn't hack my face to bits or anything, in fact, I had absolutely 0 blood loss or irritation, but the shave wasn't nearly as close as I like.

Well, yesterday I chucked the Crown, loaded up a Bluebird, and took a second stab at it. All the same setup and prep, with the exception of the differing blade, and the results were spectacular! I think it was the best open comb shave I've had thus far, and I've gotten some phenomenal shaves with my Bar Handle New. Are the Crowns bad blades? Not necessarily, they just didn't do it for me. It just goes to show that the blade you choose really does matter, both to the comfort of your face, and to your overall DE shaving experience.:biggrin1:
This story sold me on getting a sampler pack of blades, I've been using Walgreen's brand blades during my first week with a DE (as they were available locally and I wanted to get started).
Well, yesterday I chucked the Crown, loaded up a Bluebird, and took a second stab at it. All the same setup and prep, with the exception of the differing blade, and the results were spectacular! I think it was the best open comb shave I've had thus far, and I've gotten some phenomenal shaves with my Bar Handle New. Are the Crowns bad blades? Not necessarily, they just didn't do it for me. It just goes to show that the blade you choose really does matter, both to the comfort of your face, and to your overall DE shaving experience.:biggrin1:

In my 20 blade rotation, Bluebird is in the top three in my book! Nice to hear some accolades for this underrated blade! :thumbup:
+1 on that. I'm currently working my way through the blade sampler too.

Although having said that, I've already ordered some Bluebirds and am hoping to pick them up tomorrow from the Post Office along with some Astra's and Feathers that I ordered.
Trawlerman, I've had good luck with all 3 of those blades. I hope they do well for you!:thumbup1:

Thanks for that :thumbup1:

In actual fact I used a Feather (Yellow Pack) from my sampler for the first time today.

WOW! is all I can say. This blade is by far the sharpest of any blade that I've tried to-date. I got a BBS in three passes and no cuts, nicks or anything. Even the Mr Taylor's AS went on without any sting.

Right now I'm seriously thinking of putting 100 more of them on my shopping list for next payday.

The one's that i'm expecting are the Feather's in the Black packaging. I think they are the same but just older stock?
Not sure on the packaging differences for the Feathers.:blink: The Blacks are the only ones I've used. They came in my sampler. Maybe some help here, guys?:001_rolle
I just put the third and last shave on a Crown this morning. The previous blade was a Trig, which was brutally harsh. The Crown was much smoother and sharper. I got zero cuts or nicks from the Crown, but I agree that it doesn't give the closest shave. I thought it was a comfortable blade but not a great close-shave blade. I now have a Vidyut Super-Max on the razor that I'm already biased against based on its appearance. It has striations across the blade parallel to the edge, the edge hone doesn't look uniform, and the blade appears just a touch wider so there is more blade exposure than usual. This should be interesting. Thankfully, the sampler pack I'm working through has 2 each of 20 different blades, so I don't have a bunch of any of the blades that I don't like. I have Blue Birds I have yet to try, but I'm looking forward to trying them based on reports of their high sharpness, which I seem to need for my beard.
Despite the lather and despite the pre-shave preparation, the razor blade can make all the difference. Although I think getting a good shave requires a holistic approach, blade quality seems to have the biggest impact.
Not sure on the packaging differences for the Feathers.:blink: The Blacks are the only ones I've used. They came in my sampler. Maybe some help here, guys?:001_rolle
These are exactly the same, the different packaging are just intended for different markets.
Btw I just decided that I'll try Feather today for the first time...Hope I'll get a nice shave!
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Im working through my sampler and am finding derby, feather, sharks, all good Personnas have been the only one I havent liked so far.
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