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The Big Dog!

Just received my new 30mm silvertip from Larry over there at whippeddog.com. I can just tell that after it breaks in it will be a beast. There's just so much hair! Here's a few pics with post bloom pics to come.



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Here is a pic of the first test lather I did after soaking in oxyclean for about an hour.
This was just some Col Conk Almond and it whipped it up just fine.

Nice Bloom comparison pic next to a couple other badger silvertips I have. The knot looks just huge next to these two other guys!

Finally, after it dried for a few hours, I shaved for the day. I made a super lather with some Cella and TOBS Eton cream.

The lather was very nice and the brush is as soft as I've felt, but still felt like it had plenty of backbone. I've seen other's describe larger brushes with soft tips as "cupping" their face as they lather with it and I would have to agree with them as the only way to describe the feeling I get from this brush. I have only used this brush once but wouldn't be surprised if it becomes my favorite purchase to date. I've had a few other more expensive brushes in my sights but I'll definitely hold off for a bit because I can't see a $300 Simpson or a $200 Thater being that much better.

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