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The Badger Movie Game

Replace a word in a movie title with the word "badger"

Raiders of the Lost Badger

2001: A Space Badger
That's CAPTAIN Coconut to you, mister! :laugh:

Alright, how about Full Metal Badger? Last Badger in Paris? A Few Good Badgers? The Good, the Badger, and the Ugly?
Oh man, I could do this all day!

"Star Wars Ep I: The Phantom Badger"
"Star Wars Ep 2: Attack of the Badgers"
"Star Wars Ep 3: Revenge of the Badger"
"Star Wars Ep 4: A New Badger"
"Star Wars Ep 5: The Badger Strikes Back"
"Star Wars Ep 6: Return of the Badger"
"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Badger"
"Star Trek III: The Search for Badger"
"Badger 3"
"Badger: Resurrection"

Ok... I'll stop and leave some for other guys. Can you tell I'm a bit of a geek? :biggrin:
The Badger Reloaded

Terminator 2: Badger Day
Terminator 3: Rise of the Badger

Last Action Badger

Badger Returns
Badger Forever
Badger and Robin
Badger: Dark Knight
The Dark Badger Rises

The Undiscovered Badger
First Badger
"Edward Badger Hands"

I'm a huge classic Bond fan so...

"Dr Badger"
"On her Majesty's Secret Badger"
"Badgers are Forever"
"The Man with the Golden Badger"
"The Badger who Loved Me"
The Boondock Badgers
Badgers to the Future Part I, II, III
Badgers of New York
The Karate Badger
The Silence of the Badgers
An American Badger in London
Harry Badger and the Sorcerors Stone
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The Longest Badger
Sands of Iwo Badger
The Badger of Monte Cristo
Flight of the Badger
Badger Runner
No Country for Old Badgers

man this is fun....
Monty Python and the Holy Badger
The Badger of Brian
The Meaning of Badger

Alice in Badgerland
Charlie and the Badger Factory
Dark Badgers
Badgers of the Caribbean
And Now for Something Completely Badger
Monty Python and the Holy Badger
Monty Python's The Life of Badger
Monty Python's Live at the Hollywood Badger
Monty Python's The Meaning of Badger
Monty Python's Badger Sketch Not Included

The Hitchiker's Guide to the Badger
The Badger at the End of The Universe
Badger, the Universe and Everything
So Long, and Thanks for All the Badger
Mostly Badger
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