Commander Quan
Commander Yellow Pantyhose
The Art of the Smoke Ring
Smoke rings may be the ultimate visual representation of the joy and relaxation a man can get from a good smoke. There are several ways that one can achieve a proper smoke ring but it is a common misnomer that smoke rings are "blown" in fact blowing the smoke out of your mouth will surely result in nothing more than a cloud of smoke. To properly achieve a ring, a vortex of air/smoke must be "pushed" out through an O formed by the mouth. There is various ways this can be done and each individual will have their own preferred method or combination of methods to achieve the best results.
To achieve a nice ring we will need a calm space with little or no disturbance in the air, for beginners no moving air is best, and the second thing we need is a large volume of smoke. For this article I am going to use the term cigar, but this can just as easily be done with a pipe, or a cigarette if it produces enough smoke.
First take a large puff of smoke into your mouth. I like to take a couple short puffs first to get the cigar burning hot and then take a long puff to pull in the most smoke.
After you do this keep your lips sealed and keep your tongue against the bottom of your mouth, and lower your jaw. Try to hold the smoke as far back in your mouth as possible. Next form a tight O shape with your lips, the size if the O is something you will have to play with to see what gives you the best results.
There are several ways to push the air/smoke out of your mouth. One way is to keep the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth and use the middle of your tongue in a quick up and forward motion to push the smoke out of your mouth. Another way is to keep the tongue against the bottom of the mouth and use the jaw to make a quick upward motion. The chin should only move a half inch at most and be careful to maintain the O shape with your lips. A third way is to keep the tongue against the bottom of your mouth and with the smoke in the very back of your mouth open your throat with short quick exhales almost like you were making little coughs.
After you are successful at blowing one ring, try for multiple rings with one puff, or experiment with blowing a ring and then blowing a second through the first.
If you are having a difficult time forming smoke rings in the traditional manor you can cheat and after taking a puff of the cigar, form a smaller sized O shape with your lips, and use your finger to tap the side of your cheek. You can do this repeatedly to form many rapid fire ringlets.
Smoke rings may be the ultimate visual representation of the joy and relaxation a man can get from a good smoke. There are several ways that one can achieve a proper smoke ring but it is a common misnomer that smoke rings are "blown" in fact blowing the smoke out of your mouth will surely result in nothing more than a cloud of smoke. To properly achieve a ring, a vortex of air/smoke must be "pushed" out through an O formed by the mouth. There is various ways this can be done and each individual will have their own preferred method or combination of methods to achieve the best results.
To achieve a nice ring we will need a calm space with little or no disturbance in the air, for beginners no moving air is best, and the second thing we need is a large volume of smoke. For this article I am going to use the term cigar, but this can just as easily be done with a pipe, or a cigarette if it produces enough smoke.
First take a large puff of smoke into your mouth. I like to take a couple short puffs first to get the cigar burning hot and then take a long puff to pull in the most smoke.
After you do this keep your lips sealed and keep your tongue against the bottom of your mouth, and lower your jaw. Try to hold the smoke as far back in your mouth as possible. Next form a tight O shape with your lips, the size if the O is something you will have to play with to see what gives you the best results.
There are several ways to push the air/smoke out of your mouth. One way is to keep the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth and use the middle of your tongue in a quick up and forward motion to push the smoke out of your mouth. Another way is to keep the tongue against the bottom of the mouth and use the jaw to make a quick upward motion. The chin should only move a half inch at most and be careful to maintain the O shape with your lips. A third way is to keep the tongue against the bottom of your mouth and with the smoke in the very back of your mouth open your throat with short quick exhales almost like you were making little coughs.
After you are successful at blowing one ring, try for multiple rings with one puff, or experiment with blowing a ring and then blowing a second through the first.
If you are having a difficult time forming smoke rings in the traditional manor you can cheat and after taking a puff of the cigar, form a smaller sized O shape with your lips, and use your finger to tap the side of your cheek. You can do this repeatedly to form many rapid fire ringlets.