Please forgive me for not knowing, as this seems to be common knowledge amongst members here. What exactly is an alum block, what does it do, when do you use it, and are there other products that do the same that I might be using?
We also found that rubbing an Alum Block on Mosquito bites takes out the itching and helps healing too.
In short a really useful item!
Really? Mosquito bites? I may have to get one for that reason alone. They get terrible here.
We also found that rubbing an Alum Block on Mosquito bites takes out the itching and helps healing too.
In short a really useful item!
Yea, firm believer in the alum block as well. I use it all over my face to close up the pores and tone up. I bought the AOS alum block a while ago and it probably cost about $20. At the same time I use a scent free crystal deoderant that I bought for around $5. The only only ingredient in the pit stick is Alum. The AOS block does not include ingredients and I have not tried the pit stick on my face, maybe because I am stubborn. Any feedback on this? It the crystal pit stick a legit/cost effective substsitute?