I have a neighbor who is one a one man mission to return the $2 bill to is place of greatness in the american monetary system (I admit I was unaware that it ever had a place of greatness). He gets them from the bank $100 at a time religiously and spends them every chance he gets. I recently read that the $2 bill is somewhere around 1% of the $670 Billion in US currancy in circulation. He paid me for something about a month ago in them, so I made sure to dispurse them arround the community. The reactions when I forked them over were quite widespread. One clerk apparently had never seen or heard of the $2 bill, and had to call a manager, one was rather perturbed that there was no place to put it in the drawer and why couldnt I spend it some place else, and some were quite impressed and wanted to know where I got them. I suggested that my neighbor put a couple on the where's George website to attempt to track it.
So do any of you ever see $2 bills? Do you horde them, or spend them freely? Is there anyone else activly working to return the $2 bill to greatness?
So do any of you ever see $2 bills? Do you horde them, or spend them freely? Is there anyone else activly working to return the $2 bill to greatness?