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That Prickly Pain.

So whilst waiting for all my goodies to arrive from Mr Postman, I decided to give my new Alum Block and Proraso Cream a whirl just to see how it feels and lathers, and I must say - very nice. Although until I'm a DE pro, I'll definately have to wait until after a shower for proper shaving. I tried it on Sunday BEFORE showering and definately got more irritation than normal. Does that mean I'm doomed to only shaving after showering? In other words, I won't be able to just have a nice shave in a morning before work without a full shower? :sad:

Anyways, now my actual question:

I find that, no matter which way I shave, ever since day 1 of shaving with goo and M3's I have never quite got a BBS shave; sometimes on cheeks but never around mouth or neck, always slightly prickly and going ATG just gives me red bump rash hell...

However, in the areas that I have shaved - if I rub my face with my hand or fingers a few hours after shaving, those tiny, few prickles that remain (from only shaving WTG, which is fine) seem to 'dig' into me a bit, like someones pricking me with tiny needles (nothing major, but you definately feel like they're uncomfortable) - so quesiton is: Is this razor burn? Ingrown hairs? Or mis-shaved hairs? Why does it hurt to rub my shaved face and neck? It's like the sharp hairs that remain, are sticking in my skin...? This then causes a red rash for hours or sometimes days after shaving (if I do anything other than WTG).

And if I did try and shave BBS, I would still get the same pain I know it, just a few hours later, and it would probably be worse. Does anyone else get this?
Sounds like a mix of stubble and razor burn to me, when I do get some razor bumps they look like pimples trying to break the skin other people's bumps look like irritated red dots

You're not alone my skin on my neck is very sensitive so I have to leave a bit of neck stubble behind some days. I went for a hot towel shave and even the barber wouldn't go for for BBS on my neck, he said it wasn't worth the irritation it would give me
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You may find that using some hair conditioner on your beard while showering may soften your whiskers and help prepare your skin for your shave. Unfortunately you may be resigned to shaving only your shower when you want that BBS shave.


Wanting for wisdom
I'd guess that these are hairs that you have tugged while cutting. Proper prep with keeping wet shaving cream on your face for about two minutes will help . . . especially with your problem ATG. Keep a low blade angle and use little pressure as well.
I know these hairs you speak of...how annoying eh? For me...it sounds like your blade angle is off, the angles of those spots can be tricky to get your blade angle just right specially if your learning still and yes rubbing them absentmindedly will cause a rash. Also it dose sound like you do have a little bit of burn there nothing too major though lots of cold water could help in the matter or even using a chunk of ice used on the areas afflicted, not to worry much I now and then get them but usually when I was in a hurry or getting used to a new or razor I haven't used in a long while or milder blades I've never used like recently I am using Derby's which I have never used.

Oh and btw...I almost ALWAYS go against the grain and I have fairly sensitive skin due to dryness, comes along I think with being in the military so many years in blistering hot climates...USMC 2 years and then 5 years with the French Foreign Legion (5 being the contract you HAVE to serve)...a smooth presentable face is habit for me due to the training of those years. I hope we help you figure it out and get you over the hump so to speak, enjoy!
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Thanks guys, so I assume then I will never be able to get a BBS? I assume it is your skin that dictates how far you go, not your technique?

For instance, will I one day be able to get a BBS shave every morning without irritation if I become a great DE shaver or does skin always win???

I will wait for my DE and come back to this post. I will review the irritiation after a DE shave, from there, who knows?
Oh you'll get the BBS shave one day and I am sure quite a few of us can get it at will, though it is never a %100 thing imho. Though I am sure it is possible %100 of the time, once your technique is up to par and you also find the routin and method for you (Hot shaves or cold etc) it will come easier. Don't ever give up, skin only has so much say in the matter of blade and brush lol.
Something in your routine is causing you problems... What are you doing for prep? What about your razor technique, angle and pressure. What blade are you using. Is your lather right. Post shave what are you doing? There are so many variables here. If you describe your routine in this thread a bit more thoroughly, I'm sure the problem can be straightened out. One thing I will stress is when you get and take advise only change 1 thing at a time. This way you can be methodical in your quest for a solution. I'll follow the thread and see if I can help you get straight. Good Luck
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
My two cents worth of advice:

Technique is a huge part of the shaving equation, but to really enjoy the "lifestyle" you have to have realistic expectations too.

I would strive first for a comfortable, enjoyable, socially acceptable shave. For you it may be limited to 2 WTG passes, or maybe a WTG/XTG but no ATG. If a BBS shave eventually is attainable, great! But don't make a BBS the ultimate goal.

Later on you might want to branch out into SEs or even straights. But for now try for comfort :).

YMMV of course
Thanks all - there really are some helpful people on here.

It really isn't a TERRIBLE rash or anything, just the odd red bumps, I just wondered why it actually hurts when I touch that stubble? It doesn't hurt after say 24 hours but the first day is always a bit prickly if I rub it, it must be to do with those 'new' hairs growing back. I suppose it proves I've never had a BBS shave (only on my cheeks). Would this still happen though even if I managed BBS shaves with a great blade?

I think the main question here is whether it's technique, or product causing the problems??

But yes thanks all for the advice - especially Sav, I will only change one thing until I succeed.
While I never had what you're describing, applying alum block to my skin always causes razor bumps for me. This goes in line with the "reduction in variables" line of thinking.
BBS is not always achievable by some of us who have very coarse hair coupled with sensitive skin. i know that i can never get BBS and don't want to as a DFS is great enough for me.
Have you tried cold water shaving? i usually shave before showering and i have never had any problems with this. i believe cold water has significantly improved my shaves; less irritation.
It sounds like you need to work on technique a bit more. Good luck.
Don't be discouraged, I once suffered from shaving related skin issues that were so bad I grew a beard for a decade thus avoiding evil shaving altogether. Now because I've learned what prep, tools and technique work best for me, I get a CCS with every shave and a BBS shave when I want. I still get a few ingrowns now and then I'm just prone to them, but nothing significant like I used to suffer. And my face doesn't hurt and burn for hours after shaving any more. I do still get some razor burn now and then, but generally I know why; I made an identifyable error in either prep or technique - almost always technique.

You WILL get there too, I guarantee it! Just have some patience it can take your skin a few weeks to get used to any changes you make to your routine.

One thing I don't think anyone has mentioned yet is the benefits of witch hazel. For me it seems to work wonders at helping my skin recover from the "trauma" of learning good shaving technique. I highly recommend it, I apply a witch hazel solution with 15% alcohol to my face after shaving and each time I wash my face, I've had really good results.
It could be your blade choice as well. I found "my" really good combo of razor and blade pretty quickly starting out. I stuck with that combo for a few months to make sure I had everything down. I have recently been experimenting with different razors and blades. I have to tell you the difference between blades can be drastic. It can't be said enough that Your Milage May Vary. Your face, your beard growth directions, thickness of your beard all make shaving unique to you. You may want to make your way down to the Blade Forum, give them a run down of your equipment and problems. There are lots of experienced people here that can help you on the right path, but in the end you are unique, so this has to be your personal journey.
Thanks guys..!! I do actually already own a bottle of Thayer's Witch Hazel, I bought it a while ago just as an antiseptic..I do splash a little of this on after shaving.

For now, I'll stick with getting my technique down. I want to shave everyday but can't at the moment, however I've realised that 24 hours growth for me is quite a dark 5'o clock shadow. So ideally I'd like to start shaving daily and even possibly in a morning once I'm quick enough.

For now though, it's heavy soaking, good prep and practice practice.

Thanks again!
You will get there. I too still get the occasional ingrown and sometimes a little razor burn. I do spend a lot of time on prep. I wash with a glycerine soap and leave the lather on my face. I use a hot wet towel for a few minutes to rinse. A little "Shave Secret for a Pre Shave Oil. I massage it into my whiskers for a good minute or 2. I make sure my lather is not to wet but also not to dry.. I face lather using hot water for a few minutes. I make sure my beard is fully hydrated. I feel the prep is the most important part of the shave. I let the weight of the razor do the work. Be aware of your angle and don't try for a hole in one. Go for par. Meaning don't try and take off all the beard growth in one pass. I go WTG, XTG> XTG<. If needed ATG. I have a couple spots that grow in a crazy direction and I do a mini pass to clear those areas up.
I usually get a DFS to BBS. After shaving I rinse w/ cold water and follow with witch hazel. I let this dry while I clean up my equipment. I finish with aftershave. I have oily skin so an aftershave with alcohol works for me. I DO NOT use a towel to dry my face. I let it dry on it's own. If I do I pat it dry... ALSO Blades can make a difference. I am currently doing a blade test with 10 different blades. I'm using 5 razors and am doing a kind of round robin with 3 shaves per blade per razor. The top 3 will then go through an endurance test. I will find my GO TO blade. PolSilver SI's are the best I've tried so far. This was just to show you what I do. I'm no expert but the experts on this and another shave forum helped me get going to where I now shave with confidence and can meet my expectations.
Hey Sav,

Thanks again :thumbup:!!

We'll wait and see, I'll have a normal shave tonight, unfortunately don't have all the gear yet, so it's gunk and M3 for now. Whilst on the subject...(I hope this isn't an 'illegal' subject here)...Should you do multiple passes with the M3? Re-lather, etc?
I was using my Fusion when I began with a bowl and brush. I didn't have a DE for a couple months while I did research and found a DE razor I liked. Then I had to wait till it was shipped...I did what I had to do. When I was still on the goo I would run wet fingers around to find the rough spots then come back and touch them up.... If you want to spread the goo again then I guess go for it. Remember PREP PREP PREP... If you don't have glycerin soap use any mild facial bar. Whatever you have. HYDRATE THY FACE !!!
OK So, I shaved for the first time last night with a DE (I will start another thread after my first 2 weeks)..
But I must say, overall - much better. I don't want to go shouting about something I really know nothing about but WOW!! :drool: It felt amazing. It wasn't as difficult as I'd imagined, and think the "NO PRESSURE" statement isn't quite true, there is some element of pressure required.

However, that issue of prickles has not gone. I've tried reading about it on other posts and i think it's called Razor Stubble. It's basically the tiny hairs or prickles that are left after shaving. If i was to go ATG anywhere I would get it bad, but WTG seems to not cause it as much.

It basically feels like this : when I run my hand over my jaw or up my neck (S to N) about an hour after shaving, it feels like tiny prickly hairs are stinging my face and digging into my skin and it hurts a little. Within a few hours (or the next day) the pain has gone, my skins feels good (but stubbly) and i'm back to square 1 again. So my goal at the moment is to find out how to prevent this prickly feeling after shaving? Do I need to stop all passes other than WTG? Do I need to try and get BBS to prevent this? Just cannot get rid of it - however I will say one thing - using this De razor, it certainly feels a lot less irritable.

I really am a convert but I'll begin my super thread in about 2 weeks time...
That prickly thing happens to me when I try one particular brand of blades. Not any others so far. I wonder if you want to try a different blade from what you're using.
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