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Thank you B&B

So most of you know recently I have had some misfortune. Well there has been a lot of support and people wanting to help me out. Especially with shaving gear. One person, who wishes to remain anonymous had recently contacted me about sending me a DE razor. Now I have turned a lot of offers down, way too generous and I am a little prideful. With some advice from members of this forum and a friend in real life I accepted this one offer of a DE razor.

Well the package was a bit larger than I was expecting. Not only was I sent the razor but various blades, brushes, shave cream and another razor. Such a generous offer I could not thank this community and this person enough for the help. I have never been in the need of help and it is nice to see people, strangers for the most part help each other. So thank you all (and anonymous especially). The package does not take the stress away but it will go a long way to allow me some relaxation and to collect myself when I shave.

Not everything that was sent is in the picture but you get the idea. The hand written and wax sealed letter was a nice touch I appreciate since I recently discovered the wonderful world of fountain pens. (Sorry if the photo is too big and parts of it should be blacked out but for some reason photobucket is messing it up)


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Wow! Glad members of this forum continue to be "gentlemen" in all material respects. Sorry to hear of your misfortune, but I am glad to hear/see that your thankfulness and appreciation for kindness has not been lost :)
Sorry to hear about your misfortune, but it's awesome to see that even people you've never met can be so incredibly generous and thoughtful. Hope it all works out for you!
Thanks all, actually I think my obsessions just got worse thanks to the hand written and wax sealed letter. Now I want a seal and wax, lol. I wonder if they have one with a shark on it?
This is such a nice gesture and great story to be re-told again and again. It is quite wonderful to see such camaraderie in this forum. Many more benefit greatly from being in such company. Thank you for sharing this and thank you to BB and it's members.
This one of many reasons we all love to hang out here! I hope your troubles are behind you and many brighter days ahead!
Wow, what great people hang out here at B&B. It is a pleasure to know you folks, in a cyber-sort-of way. :a14::a22:
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