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Thank a Soldier - Send a Free Card

I came across this link on another forum and I thought it was a great idea and I wanted to share it here.


This is a simple idea. You pick one out and send a Thank You card to an American soldier serving overseas. It's quick, easy and free.

Thanks for reading.

Let me post a warning here, discussion of the war or politics of it will not be tolerated in any way in this thread, period. No one is obligated to participate, it's entirely up to you, but everyone is obligated to behave themselves. Thank you.
This deserves to be bumped back up. It takes less than 30 seconds to send a free card and thank a soldier serving overseas.
I wish the Brit's would do something like this :D


I read the other day that the military have asked us Brits not to send anonymous cards such as these because they cause a blockage at the post office which is stopping family cards getting through to our troops.

I read the other day that the military have asked us Brits not to send anonymous cards such as these because they cause a blockage at the post office which is stopping family cards getting through to our troops.


The real reason it was stopped was because of intel on a "threat" to British soldiers safety (i.e. letter bombs...). Shoeboxes have also been reduced for the reason you give and I give, although the former is the only official one in use....... I still do the shoeboxes because the RMA has been in liaison with the MOD, we've done thousands of boxes :D Great :D The big problem was that a lot of boxes letters etc. were sent, as they have been since WW1, addressed to: "A British Tommy in Afghanistan/Iraq etc....", and these were considered a security risk.....

The UK don't AFAIK do e-cards, although I may email the MOD to suggest it, as a way of reducing surface mail, which does admittedly put a lot of lives in danger to deliver, although holding a leter thats been sent from Helmund has an 'odd' feeling to it.

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