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TGN vs. Simpsons

Does anyone know if any of the TGN grades of badger hair knots closely approximate the properties of Simpsons best badger?
Hey Ted. I haven't tried the "best" TGN grade but I'd say that the XF Finest feels like a slightly more floppy version of my Tulip1 2-band with very similar texture. My TGN finest is set at about 46-48 pretty tightly as well.
Hey Ted. I haven't tried the "best" TGN grade but I'd say that the XF Finest feels like a slightly more floppy version of my Tulip1 2-band with very similar texture. My TGN finest is set at about 46-48 pretty tightly as well.

Gracias, Sam. That helps. I was wondering about the Finest XH [?] but they are out of stock at 22 mm knots. I'm trying replicate a Duke 2.
PS Love the Aristocrat.
I have a simpsons wee scot in best, and a restored rubberset with a 30mm 2 band Xh knot. So it is a little difficult to do a true comparison since the size is so different the TGN is a little more densely packed and softer than the wee scot.
I have not used the best, but a couple years back the TGN vanilla silvertip was similar to Simpson best. It was fairly dense, but the tips had a touch of skritch that broke in some over time. The current grade might be different though. I have heard that TGN Best is more similar to pure, but again I have not used it.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
I have a Duke 2 in best, and a TGN in Best. No comparison. I will agree with others, and say wait for the Finest to come back in stock or get the Grade A silvertip. TGN best reminds me of the old Simpson Somerset pure badger. Its not bad, just more scritchy.
I have a Commodore 2x best and a TGN finest 28 set to 50. When the TGN is wet and full of lather it feels close to the same as the Simpson albeit thicker because of the knot difference. It's also hard to compare the feeling of rubbing them on my face while dry due to the know difference. I'm very happy with the TGN finest though in and of itself as well as in comparison to the Simpson best.
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