Ok y'all, I'm doing some testing (because who doesn't like a legitimate excuse to buy more shaving stuff?). I'll update this as testing continues. I plan on working my way through blades, soaps, creams, brushes, and eventually razors. I'm choosing blades first as I think baselining that will help me be consistent with other products.
First up: Blades.
Test Equipment:
Merkur 180 (23C)
VDH Premium Shave Soap
The Boar Bristle brush that came with the soap and bowl.
Method: I will test each blade on two consecutive shaves. I will record my experience with each below. These ratings will be absolutely subjective in comparison to previous tests.
1.) Merkur Super Stainless - Seemed sharp. It was my first blade, as it came with the razor. Successful first shave. Second shave was also good. Not as close as I would like. Slight burn likely due to shortcomings in technique. XTG was ok. Did not feel comfortable going ATG as the blade seemed to skip slightly on occasion.
2.) Gillette 7 O'Clock (Green) - Made the Merkur feel like a Brillo pad. Smooth WTG and XTG. Very little burn, one minor nick. Tried ATG. after a couple strokes, I gave up. the razor skipped in a couple places and I was afraid for my face.
3.) Gillette 7 O'Clock (Black) - I didn't even realize I was cutting. Buttery smooth WTG and XTG. The only way I could tell I was actually using the blade was the black flecks in the lather as I removed it. Went all in on ATG with the second shave. Minor skips, no nicks. Not BBS, but damn close on most of my face. My GF decided to attempt a leg shave with this blade as I was about to chuck it anyway. I now have to find her a DE too.
4.) Derby Extra - Comparable to the Merkur Super Stainless. WTG and XTG both somewhat rough and "grabby". ATG (yeah, I tried it)... no cuts but set my face on FIRE. Also, the shave quality was noticeably subpar when compared to either of the Gillettes.
First up: Blades.
Test Equipment:
Merkur 180 (23C)
VDH Premium Shave Soap
The Boar Bristle brush that came with the soap and bowl.
Method: I will test each blade on two consecutive shaves. I will record my experience with each below. These ratings will be absolutely subjective in comparison to previous tests.
1.) Merkur Super Stainless - Seemed sharp. It was my first blade, as it came with the razor. Successful first shave. Second shave was also good. Not as close as I would like. Slight burn likely due to shortcomings in technique. XTG was ok. Did not feel comfortable going ATG as the blade seemed to skip slightly on occasion.
2.) Gillette 7 O'Clock (Green) - Made the Merkur feel like a Brillo pad. Smooth WTG and XTG. Very little burn, one minor nick. Tried ATG. after a couple strokes, I gave up. the razor skipped in a couple places and I was afraid for my face.
3.) Gillette 7 O'Clock (Black) - I didn't even realize I was cutting. Buttery smooth WTG and XTG. The only way I could tell I was actually using the blade was the black flecks in the lather as I removed it. Went all in on ATG with the second shave. Minor skips, no nicks. Not BBS, but damn close on most of my face. My GF decided to attempt a leg shave with this blade as I was about to chuck it anyway. I now have to find her a DE too.
4.) Derby Extra - Comparable to the Merkur Super Stainless. WTG and XTG both somewhat rough and "grabby". ATG (yeah, I tried it)... no cuts but set my face on FIRE. Also, the shave quality was noticeably subpar when compared to either of the Gillettes.
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