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Testing Testing, 1. 2. 3.

Ok y'all, I'm doing some testing (because who doesn't like a legitimate excuse to buy more shaving stuff?). I'll update this as testing continues. I plan on working my way through blades, soaps, creams, brushes, and eventually razors. I'm choosing blades first as I think baselining that will help me be consistent with other products.

First up: Blades.

Test Equipment:
Merkur 180 (23C)
VDH Premium Shave Soap
The Boar Bristle brush that came with the soap and bowl.

Method: I will test each blade on two consecutive shaves. I will record my experience with each below. These ratings will be absolutely subjective in comparison to previous tests.

1.) Merkur Super Stainless - Seemed sharp. It was my first blade, as it came with the razor. Successful first shave. Second shave was also good. Not as close as I would like. Slight burn likely due to shortcomings in technique. XTG was ok. Did not feel comfortable going ATG as the blade seemed to skip slightly on occasion.

2.) Gillette 7 O'Clock (Green) - Made the Merkur feel like a Brillo pad. Smooth WTG and XTG. Very little burn, one minor nick. Tried ATG. after a couple strokes, I gave up. the razor skipped in a couple places and I was afraid for my face.

3.) Gillette 7 O'Clock (Black) - I didn't even realize I was cutting. Buttery smooth WTG and XTG. The only way I could tell I was actually using the blade was the black flecks in the lather as I removed it. Went all in on ATG with the second shave. Minor skips, no nicks. Not BBS, but damn close on most of my face. My GF decided to attempt a leg shave with this blade as I was about to chuck it anyway. I now have to find her a DE too.

4.) Derby Extra - Comparable to the Merkur Super Stainless. WTG and XTG both somewhat rough and "grabby". ATG (yeah, I tried it)... no cuts but set my face on FIRE. Also, the shave quality was noticeably subpar when compared to either of the Gillettes.
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It's always interesting too see how the experience is for different shavers. Those black 7s are nice!
This will be fun to watch as it progresses. I'm pretty much with you in my impressions of blades so far (though I like Derby a little more than you -- or most people I think -- I still don't much like it. Never tried a Merkur, myself, either. I read too many negatives to be curious, though).

Thanks for taking the time, doomgiver.

Edit -- My opinion, more of us will notice there's activity if you do future reviews in a new post, rather than editing the first one. Bump the thread that way!
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Thanks for the advice Wagstaff!

5.) Personna Red (Israeli) - Mild irritation that disappeared quickly with a cool rinse and my aftershave. Close, comfortable shave comparable to those Indian 7 O'Clocks. Not quite as smooth, but my face feels great. I'd definitely keep a few of these around in case I run out of my Go-to.

*I have to admit... This is remarkably fun... *
Enjoy the process!

I had similar experiences with Derby, Red IPs, and Merkur. The only one I'd consider stocking is the Red IP. Haven't tried the Blacks, but I rarely (ever?) see a negative review.

Cool that your girlfriend is interested. How about a rose cream for her?
Cool. I was just about to compare the Personna Reds to another blade, but... I know that other blade is still in your sampler, so will wait for your own comparisons.
This process was fun for me, too, and it's really fun to watch someone else do it!

And a shout out to latherdude who PIF'd me my first Personna Reds.
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6.) Shark Super Stainless - This one's sort of an odd duck. Day 1 I was pressed for time so I did one WTG pass and headed to work. Still a decent shave, honestly but the blade seemed a little rough. Day 2, WTG and ATG no issues. As close to BBS as I have gotten. As stated, I'm not testing for longevity, but this blade may very well be up there with the Blacks and the Personnas just based on shave quality. Kind of concerned about that initial roughness... but hey, that could have just been a weird shave day.
Now this is an interesting one... I actually don't remember using the Shark Stainless. So I don't know. I do remember using the Shark (Super) Chrome.... (I don't remember if I sent you a tuck of those, too?)
And yes, possibly a "weird shave day". Some blades really are better the second shave than the first, though, too. Questions remain ;-)
6.) Voskhod Teflon Coated - I got a decent shave. In fact, I got two good shaves out of this blade. Unfortunately, the result was pretty darn uncomfortable. Based on shave quality, I'd rank this blade pretty high, but I'll likely not put it back in my razor. It burns us precious.

@ Wagstaff no Shark Chromes... I may have to grab some of those. I'll be running back through my top 3 or 4 blades for a second look at the end of this. That round will likely include a longevity test as well.
I think the Voskhods are not the sharpest, but find them very smooth indeed (least razor burn for me). Here's an interesting YMMV.

I actually don't get along with Shark Chrome. (Which is not a dis-recommendation, it's just to say my prior mention was also not a recommendation!) I will go back and try again one of these days, maybe. The Stainless I don't remember ever using... need to try that myself. This all remains very interesting... and you see where "YMMV" is always the rule.

For me, the Voskhod one of my top 3 blades if I shave every day. If I have two days' stubble, I prefer something sharper to avoid all tugging. (Prep is a big factor here, too).
7.) Astra SP - It performs almost identically to the Gillette Black. This blade is definitely moving on to round 2. I got a little razor burn here... but that's likely because I did some extra cleanup passes in spots. By a little, I mean barely noticeable 15 minutes after shaving. The Astra SP look likely to be a rotation blade for me.
Cool -- glad you like that one, because it's a bang for the buck winner.
For me, the Astras and the Personna Reds both seem very similar. (That's what I was holding back from saying till you got to the Astras). And for me, neither is nearly as good as the Gillette Black.
But I wish they were. Plenty of people do, and, again, those blades are much less expensive!
8.) Iridium Super - See my review on the Gillette Blacks. The only real difference between the two for me was smoothness. The Blacks seemed a little smoother to me but, honestly, not by much.

As I've reached the end of the blades that I received for review, it's time to send a shout out. Thanks Wagstaff!!!

This initial testing round has been a blast. I was given a Feather to test as well (starting tomorrow). That one came from a coworker. After that post, I'll start working on my top 4 or 5 for longevity and value (as well as a secondary quality comparison).
That's great that you're getting a Feather, too. I would have sent you some if I had any left.
Of course there are other blades still... I'm still going to try Personna Meds and Labs. And am now testing some GSB's another member sent us.

Thanks for doing all the reviews, doomgiver13! (And I couldn't abandon you to amazon's sampler set... !)
I'm sure I'll be testing quite a few more, but this should be a good range to settle on a "regular" blade. heh.

Groovy!!! I'd love to read your impressions.
After a few shaves -- GSBs seem very sharp; my first shave with them was harsh, but I don't know if that was the blade or my own rookie mistake of lathering a new soap for the first time and doing a less than stellar job. The blade seemed much smoother the next two shaves. Still... not quite so much as the Iridium Supers or Gillette Blacks.

(And definitely not as much as the Voskhods, either, though the GSBs are sharper).

I haven't checked my mail in 2 days, but I expect I have some Personna Meds in my mailbox from an exchange I made. Maybe get to those early next week.
9.) Feather - Very sharp. Seems pretty smooth too. I still think I like the Blacks better, but the Feathers seem to be one heckuva "bang for your buck" blade.

Results: Gillette Black, Iridium Super, Personna Red, Astra SP, Feather. These are what I would consider "keeper" blades so far.
I've found that the biggest variable in my shaves is the lather. I change soaps often, almost every shave and it's hard to dial in a soap on the first try. For testing blades I'd make sure I used the same soap, and razor and brush for that matter, each time. That would leave the blade as the only variable.
Look at doomgiver13 and the obscure (but not to me) movie reference in the Voshkod review. It burns us precious. Classic! It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose.
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