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I placed an order with the English Shaving Company, stuff I did not need but I disliked the grief they were getting from one poster. My stuff arrived in about 10 days, no problems. They included a 10% discount code, good for anyone until February 8. Use promotional code: JF5A

Just received my EJ89L from TESC, and it is a beauty! Good email response on queries, about a week from order to receipt. And samples! And the discount code! I recommend TESC most highly!
Good stuff and thanks for the code!

I too ordered up an 89L - this seems to be an excellent company from the feedback on this and other forums.
Where did you find the 89L on their site? If I just click on razors then edwin jagger it doesn't show up.

Garry, you have to hunt a bit; I had that problem as well. Try razors instead of edwin jagger; believe that they show up that way. Otherwise you might try a site search on EJ89L but I'm not sure they have them catalogued by manufacturer's number. But they do have them!! And don't forget to use the discount code!!!!!
Just wanted to clarify so I don't sound like an idiot. If you click on Razors then click on Edwin Jagger on the main page it only pulls up 11 results - none of which are the DE89 or DE89L. I didn't think I would have to do an advanced search to find an Edwin Jagger razor when they have a direct link to Edwin Jagger razors...weird.
Just wanted to clarify so I don't sound like an idiot. If you click on Razors then click on Edwin Jagger on the main page it only pulls up 11 results - none of which are the DE89 or DE89L. I didn't think I would have to do an advanced search to find an Edwin Jagger razor when they have a direct link to Edwin Jagger razors...weird.

+1. Their site is hard to navigate.
Just bought 50 bucks worth of soap from them, using the JF5A code... shipping was 7 dollars and something to my door, across the Atlantic Ocean. Sweet deal, imo. Anyone wanting to try Jagger or Harris or Trumper soap should check their prices, with the coupon they're the lowest I've been able to find.
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