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Tell me about Wyoming?

So, I have just been informed that my wife and I have been assigned to Gillette, Wyoming by my church. Do we have any Wyomingites here on the B&B? Any former residents? What should I expect? Harsh winters and summers? God's country?

Can anyone tell me about the job prospects up there? I don't know what is up there aside from coal mining and the energy business....
So, I have just been informed that my wife and I have been assigned to Gillette, Wyoming by my church. Do we have any Wyomingites here on the B&B? Any former residents? What should I expect? Harsh winters and summers? God's country?

Can anyone tell me about the job prospects up there? I don't know what is up there aside from coal mining and the energy business....

I don't know anything about Wyoming aside from having gone to Devil's Tower, which is amazing. Oh, and it truly is a beautiful state
While I've not lived there I've been quite a number of times when I delivered tires to Cheyenne. You will definitely have some elbow room in Wyoming, given that the entire population is ~600K total. If you enjoy the outdoors and things like fishing and hunting, you'll love it. According to your profile, looks like your in MA currently, so take everything that you know there and completely reverse it.
I've had quite a bit of experience with Wyoming as a whole. I've never been to the town of Gillette, though I haven't met someone I've actually liked from there (sample size of 3). The state is beautiful, rough winters with lots of snow and wind.
I was in Cheyenne for 4 years. I would not return. Maybe other parts are nice though. Lots of great scenery if you like the outdoors and great national parks.

What I did not like was the people. For being "The Equality State" the people I came across were some of the most close minded and prejudice people I have ever met.

Wind was the norm. A windy day elsewhere (10-20 mph) is a normal day in Cheyenne. A windy day there, which was common, was 40 mph+. Winters can be harsh, 2 ft+ of snow at a time is common, especially up north.
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Fridays are Fishtastic!
Your church assigned you to go there? Are you a minister? I am just wondering as you were asking about job prospects.
We went through there on the way to Salt Lake City.
Devil's Tower is neat, but you can save a trip and look at a post card instead.
The wind was horrific. We were camping in a tent and almost got blown into the next state.
We camped in Rawlins.

The good news is it's close enough to states where there IS stuff to see.

People were nice to us, but we were just travelling through.
We went through there on the way to Salt Lake City.
Devil's Tower is neat, but you can save a trip and look at a post card instead.
The wind was horrific. We were camping in a tent and almost got blown into the next state.
We camped in Rawlins.

The good news is it's close enough to states where there IS stuff to see.

People were nice to us, but we were just travelling through.

Was camping in Rawlins by choice or necessity? I can't believe you'd ever choose to stay there.
Was camping in Rawlins by choice or necessity? I can't believe you'd ever choose to stay there.

Necessity. We drove until we were tired and that's where the car stopped.
We have stumbled upon some great places that way. This was not one of them.
Necessity. We drove until we were tired and that's where the car stopped.
We have stumbled upon some great places that way. This was not one of them.

Ha, that's an understatement. The first experience with Rawlins was over Valentines weekend in 2009. I had been dating my wife for just under a year and she agreed to go to a racquetball tournament over Valentine's weekend IN RAWLINS. Now that was a woman I want spend the rest of my life with.
Wyoming is a big state with vast differences between the west and east sides. The Teton and Yellowstone areas in the NW corner of the state are mountainous just stunningly beautiful (and completely over run with tourist). Gillette sits in the NE corner of the state in the middle of vast rolling short grass prairies with nary a tree in sight. Wind is always blowing and winters can be brutal. If you are a fan of wide open spaces, you will be in heaven.
1. Nobody lives there. Nobody.

2. Winters are harsh.

3. It's freakin' windy there. Four guys entered the University of Wyoming as freshman and had a $100 bet; first guy to see the flag not blowing wins the hundred from the other 3 guys. They all graduated and nobody claimed the prize.

4. The combination of #s 2 and 3 make for some pretty interesting snowbanks and some pretty difficult travel.
Wyoming isn't all that bad. I lived in Cheyenne for a year or so, quite a fun time. There are no jobs to be had for any decent wages. Gillette is nice, but its quirky to say the least. There is not much to do ever, and quite frankly everyone is friendly but that weird kinda friendly like they're just being polite not that they actually care. Some do, but they are few and far between. I enjoyed it, would go back if i had a job with decent wages but until that happens ill stay on the east coast.
Wife and I drove into WY once to check out Cheyenne. First thing we noticed were all the before and after meth billboards. :blink:

Needless to say, we were not impressed.

I would love to have driven over to the Grand Tetons, but we didn't have that much time.
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