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Teeny Tiny PIF.4 Bic Chrome Platinum blades. Ends 10/16/12 AM


Needs milk and a bidet!

a 5pk of these blades came in a sample pack that arrived last week, I just tried one today and it did not work at all for my face. so much so that i wont even give them another shot. I was about to deposit the remaining 4 in the blade bank but thought why toss out perfectly good blades! Also it would give me a chance to finally give back (even tho its a teeny tiny give back). so hopefully someone here can use these.

I am PIFing 4 new Bic Chrome Platinum DE blades and 1 Astra SP to make it an even (or odd) 5pk. open to anyone and everyone in COUNS so just post "The Bic stops here, gimme those blades".

I'll pick a random winner whenever i wake up Tuesday morning-10/16/12- (i usually wake up between 8-10am) so get your entries in before then. Good luck!

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"The Bic stops here, gimme those blades"

Haven't tried the Bic blades yet. Would love to give them a try.


Needs milk and a bidet!
CONGRATULATIONS KindestCutofAll i'm looking at you! you are the lucky winner!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for playing!
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