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Tech vs. SS vs. Feather

I would like to add a DE razor to my collection of one. Despite many months of happy, daily use, my Feather AS-D1 is lonely. It wants a companion. What say you, fat-handled Tech or Super Speed (both like new and Rhodium plated)?
I would like to add a DE razor to my collection of one. Despite many months of happy, daily use, my Feather AS-D1 is lonely. It wants a companion. What say you, fat-handled Tech or Super Speed (both like new and Rhodium plated)?

As many here know I am a big fan of the AS-D1, but this last week was all 1946 Milord, another favorite of mine. The Milord is a Super Speed in a gold overcoat.

Both of the razors you are looking at are about half the weight of your Feather and can yield a great shave but the in hand experience will be much different as the inertia will be diminished.

Fat Handle Tech.........48 g
40s Super Speed......55 g
50s Super Speed......56 g
Black Handle SS.........47 g
Feather AS-D1...........90 g
Thanks for the info, everyone.

Tom, thanks for the weight information. I really do like the heft of the AS-D1. At first, the other(s) might feel too light, but I imagine I would get used to it.

I'm torn between the Tech and the SS. I really like how easily a three-piece razor can be taken apart and cleaned or packed for a trip. On the other hand, the TTO mechanism intrigues me. I'd love to get both, but I would not want to surprise my wife... ;)
Get the Fat Handle Tech, but make sure it is pre war with the triangular slots. They are a better shaver than post war tech IMHO. YMMV
Thanks for the info, everyone.

Tom, thanks for the weight information. I really do like the heft of the AS-D1. At first, the other(s) might feel too light, but I imagine I would get used to it.

I'm torn between the Tech and the SS. I really like how easily a three-piece razor can be taken apart and cleaned or packed for a trip. On the other hand, the TTO mechanism intrigues me. I'd love to get both, but I would not want to surprise my wife... ;)

Another nice thing about the two you are looking at Jeff is they are two of the more common models and can be found very reasonably if one takes their time. So you can find one and some period of time down the road find the other. Spread the fun out a bit and everyone is happy in the end..............enable, enable, enable..........:biggrin1:
Another thing to consider is a Slim and Fat Boy set to 1. I have been a long timeAS- D1 user and have really been enjoying my fat Boys, Slims and super Adjustables set to 1. I actually believe the technique I developed getting a close shave with the feather translated well over to the other razors.
I just ordered a late 40s Super Speed via eBay. Can't speak for function, seeing as it has yet to reach my mailbox, but I think the 1948-1949 SS are some of the most beautiful razors you can find for the price (I paid $10 for mine). Classic, utilitarian look with better proportions (in my opinion) than the Fatties. Of course, the only way to know which best for you is to follow eizan70's advice :thumbup:
I would say it depends on what you want . The tech , being a three piece design is going to feel kinda the same . I just started using a super speed , and the tto head is weird to use . It shaves just fine , but being much bulkier it has a different feel to it .
Both are excellent choices.

The Gillette Tech will shave similar to the Feather and it is a simple 3 piece design.

The Gillette Super Speed line up gives more lattitude. The late 1940's SS is marvelous, and it is TTO design with medium aggression. In the 1950's you have three choices: Red Tip = very aggressive. Flare Tip = medium aggression (probably best for most persons) Blue Tip = very mild, milder than most any other razor. Too mild for most persons, and it does not shave well unless your shaving "peach fuzz."
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