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Taylor Brush Dissapointing

I purchased a Taylor of Old Bond Street combo Brush and Razor (faux ivory) and have been VERY DISSAPOINTED. I have already exchanged the set once because the Brush was losing bristles regularly (about 5-10 a day) and because the head of the razor came off. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions on how to stop the bristle loss (I already am barely shaking it to remove excess water before I put it in the stand). I can of course superglue the head of the razor back on. Any recommendations on a good, large brush in the $100 and under range?


I really like my Kent BK8 :001_smile

It seems that a lot of people in the States get better pricing if they buy Kent brushes direct from the UK. I have heard prices mentioned of aound 115 USD (They are ca 80 GBP from Kent)

Have fun !

Best regards

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