Ok shavemeisters, for those of you fellers who THOUGHT you had everything.I was cruising menessentials and there was a big banner ad on their website for scrotum talc. And to top it off, what's the brand name on it? "Balla"
Maybe since Joel is the master reviewer, he can be the guinea pig on this project. The Badger & Blade Scrotum Talc challenge.
Pretty soon, on the SOTD pictorials, we're gonna start seeing "Balla" sack powder on the table.
Balla Scrotum Talc @ Men Essentials
Come on, you know you wanna try it..It's scented!!
Maybe since Joel is the master reviewer, he can be the guinea pig on this project. The Badger & Blade Scrotum Talc challenge.
Pretty soon, on the SOTD pictorials, we're gonna start seeing "Balla" sack powder on the table.
Balla Scrotum Talc @ Men Essentials
Come on, you know you wanna try it..It's scented!!