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Taken 2 trailer finally~

I loved the first one and hope this one is better then the last Liam movie I saw. The wolf one he did was horrible IMO.

The Grey, you mean? I enjoyed that one. Except the cheesy ending where he straps broken bottles to one hand. I mean, c'mon.
Sorry, looks like it's in the wrong section.

Also The Grey was ok, but didn't like the last part also. I was expecting wolves vs Liam.
Loved 'Taken'!

Is that 'The Most Interesting Man in the World' from the Dos Equis commercials in the trailer?!

"I usually don't kill Americans but when I do, I use a lot of assassins."
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Loved 'Taken'!

Is that 'The Most Interesting Man in the World' from the Dos Equis commercials in the trailer?!

"I usually don't kill Americans but when I do, I use a lot of assassins."
No, that's the guy Hollywood uses to play a stock older Eastern European Guy. In "The Saint he played the villain Tretyach, so now whenever I see him I think of that movie. HE was also in Eurotrip and recently, X Men First Class.
No, that's the guy Hollywood uses to play a stock older Eastern European Guy. In "The Saint he played the villain Tretyach, so now whenever I see him I think of that movie. HE was also in Eurotrip and recently, X Men First Class.

Yeah, I was just pointing out that it looked like the Dos Equis guy.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
No, that's the guy Hollywood uses to play a stock older Eastern European Guy. In "The Saint he played the villain Tretyach, so now whenever I see him I think of that movie. HE was also in Eurotrip and recently, X Men First Class.

I liked him in Snatch.
Oh, hell yes! Any projected release date?

Based on the first "Taken," I got into the Ashley Judd show "Missing" (unfortunately cancelled after 10 episodes, but they did complete the initial story). Pretty good acting, a few holes in the plot line (and some nice twists), and nice to see Sean Bean and Keith Carradine again.
All those movies from Lions Gate (modest budget mixed European casts with an American or Brit anchor star) are pretty enjoyable. They dont have the slick effects driven polish of a true Hollywood summertime blockbuster, but they are very profitable in just theatrical release - never mind the cable and dvd monies.

I have already added this to my Netflix queue, because as much as I love movies - I hate going to theaters because of the people
A measly 9% from Rotten Tomatoes. That's as bad as Catwoman.

Meh. I have learned to take Rotten Tomato ratings with a HUGE grain of salt. I've really enjoyed many movies that they splattered mercilessly and couldn't stand some of the flicks they gave 80+ % ratings to.

Case in point is Bridesmaids with a 90% rating. That was one of the biggest pieces of crap I have ever subjected my eyes to.

Nuts to RT. I want see Liam kick some more ***!
Meh. I have learned to take Rotten Tomato ratings with a HUGE grain of salt. I've really enjoyed many movies that they splattered mercilessly and couldn't stand some of the flicks they gave 80+ % ratings to.

Case in point is Bridesmaids with a 90% rating. That was one of the biggest pieces of crap I have ever subjected my eyes to.

Nuts to RT. I want see Liam kick some more ***!

Rotten Tomatoes don't give ratings to anything. They just aggregate reviews from hundreds of other sources. The percentages are generated automatically from the proportion of those reviews that are positive. Bridesmaids got 90% because 90% of the reviews they collected were positive.
This one just looks completely unbelievable and unrealistic. Do not get me wrong, the first had its unrealistic moments too, but an ex-CIA agent (or whatever he was) going out of his way to rescue his kidnapped daughter is one thing, but having those criminals' comrades come back to get him is just unrealistic. I mean, if you somehow had your daughter kidnapped by al-Qaeda, for example, rescued her, and killed many militants in the process, no way is al-Qaeda coming after you if you live in the Western world.
Rotten Tomatoes is accurate about 99% of the time. I know several people who have either worked in the film industry or have been film critics (not just random people with a blog), and they all agree with that. You do not have to like a movie for it to be good. For example, you could find Lawrence of Arabia long and boring, but that does not change the fact that it has excellent directing, acting, and cinematography.

Can someone explain to me the rotten tomatoes ratings and what = a good rating? Why are there the two different pictures along with the ratings?

One number represents aggregated critic ratings, while the other number represents aggregated fan ratings.
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