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Surly Furious Beer

Anybody try this? Looks good, but a bit pricey for cans.


The craft beer canning craze continues to grow across the United States. One of the breweries that has embraced canning and also brews amazing beer is Surly Brewing Company in Minnesota. Their "Beer For A Glass, From A Can" tagline applies to all of their offerings, but the IPA they call Furious ($10/4-pack) has separated itself from the pack. The crimson colored nectar might look more like an amber ale, but don't be fooled, it's a smooth hop celebration that demands additional research. The only time you might find yourself Furious is at the bottom of each pint.

They are four packs of pint cans and totally worth it. I haven't had a Surly beer I have not liked. Yes, some are better than others but they do a quality brew.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I have no problem with beer in cans over bottles. Preventing the beer from being exposed to light can prevent it from becoming skunked, and with the modern liners inside the cans there is never any contact with the metal. As far as presentation, I almost always pour it into a glass anyway.
Surly makes a good brew. It's not my favorite, but it's still good. Can get their beers on tap most places in Minneapolis. Many breweries are now going to cans because of its advantages over bottles. I usually pour mine in a glass.
An interesting thing regarding canned beer: when I drink beer from glass bottles, I ALWAYS pour it into a glass. I'd even pour a bottle of Bud Light into a glass if you forced me to drink one. When I buy canned beer, though, I never pour it into a glass. For some reason, I like drinking it straight from the can.
Surly doesn't distribute around here but I was able to hit up a place with a Surly and Three Floyd's tap takeover during the Craft Brewer's Conference week in DC. Surly Furious was fantastic, imo.
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