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Superlather from two soaps?

Anyone done this and have pointers? I'm really intrigued by the prospect of mixing P.160 with Cella or Figaro and haven't quite settled on a method yet.
Interesting, I'm not sure if mixing two similar textured soaps would make more lather aside from if there is more product. It's always worth the experiment though.
Interesting, I'm not sure if mixing two similar textured soaps would make more lather aside from if there is more product. It's always worth the experiment though.

I'm going more for a mixture of scent from the Cella/Figaro and protection from the P.160. Haven't decided if face lathering one of top of the other is better, or loading them back-to-back on the brush.
Anyone done this and have pointers? I'm really intrigued by the prospect of mixing P.160 with Cella or Figaro and haven't quite settled on a method yet.
Hmmm ... an interesting concept.

I've superlathered two creams together, and that's pretty easy. With soaps, I'd be concerned about cross-contaminating one to the other if I load a brush from one container and then go to load it again from a second.

Perhaps you could start with equal amounts of two or more soaps, and mill them together into one container. That would solve the cross-contamination problem.

I think that MWF would be a good base for super-soaping ... it has a mild, neutral scent, and should mix well with a more fragrant soap like Tabac or T&H Luxury. Since all of these are tallow based, they should bond pretty easily.

For the sake of experimentation, I would start with cheap soaps to get the method and mixture down ... Williams and VdH are likely candidates, but I'm not sure how well the two would hold together in one bowl, since one is tallow based and the other is glycerin.
Ok, so I tried it and it didn't really amount to much. Mixed P.160 and Figaro so I could get the long lasting scent of the Figaro without the slight burn that I never feel from the P.160. I loaded and face-lathered with the P.160, and then repeated with the Figaro. It produced tons of lather, as you would expect, but really wasn't any better than shaving with either of the products separately. In fact, I still got a little burn AND little scent, almost like I pulled the negative parts of both soaps into one :glare:. Anyway, back to the drawing board.
With soaps, I'd be concerned about cross-contaminating one to the other if I load a brush from one container and then go to load it again from a second.

Perhaps you could start with equal amounts of two or more soaps, and mill them together into one container. That would solve the cross-contamination problem.

Well, if you use 2 soap sticks, this won't happen. Use one stick on side of the face, then the other on the other side. Start working the brush from one side to the other and eventually you'll get a mix of both soaps in your face and in your brush.

Just an idea.
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