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Super Custom Razor Box

Okay, I'll admit it. I have an odd affinity for boxes. I like things to have "a place". One of my very favorite razors, a 7/8" Butch Harner originally owned by johnmrson (IIRC), came to me without such a home, so I set about trying to find one. Unfortunately, with a 3.25" cutting edge and a fairly long monkey tail, this guy checks in at 7" closed, so he doesn't fit into any of the standard-sized razor boxes. I'd long considered putting my rudimentary woodworking skills to use cobbling one together, but at the last Chicago-area get together before I left, member Clutch Cargo, whose skills with wood are exponentially greater than mine (as you can see), offered to make a box for me. I've been on an extended vacation/move journey around the country, and only recently got settled here on the west coast, so I finally got a chance to show it off.

It's maple and walnut, and he created that whole inlay from individual pieces of veneer.

The hinges are (I think) the coolest part. Cut from a segmented dowel, then cut flush so they just disappear:


My pictures don't do it justice, but this thing is simply stunning. Fabulous design, and top notch workmanship. Thanks again, Clutch!

Awesome razor, and now it's got a nice house. I'd love to have the skill to make something that nice.
had 2 come back 4 a second look, that thingm looks better the second time around. still outstanding.
OutStanding!! I don't know how to tell you just how humbled I feel, that is one BL**^dy beautiful box.

I envy your skill Sir!!

Your servant, tinkersd.
Price said:
My pictures don't do it justice, but this thing is simply stunning. Fabulous design, and top notch workmanship. Thanks again, Clutch!

You're very welcome, Price. It was an honor making a special "home" to both protect and show off your prized razor! Thank you to everyone who added their compliments on the quality of my custom woodworking. I am very honored and appreciative.

Clutch Cargo


The Lather Maestro
I have the distinct pleasure of having lunch with Clutch (and used to with Price :sad: ) every now and then, and I've even seen his home workshop. I want to point out one thing ...

That hinge is not just a segmented dowel ... Clutch has a jig that let's him make the dowel out of the same wood as the box! If you guys think you are anal retentive or OCD about the shaving hobby, you can't hold a candle to Clutch on woodworking! Not even close! :lol:

He brought the box to lunch one day before final assembly so I had a chance to see it in progress. He actually makes the dowel using this jig I have not seen yet. Then he has to somehow route round cutouts in the wall and lid of the box so the dowel fits perfectly. Then he somehow drills a tiny hole through the center of the dowel for a wire to go through. Then he segments the dowel, gluing the pieces alternately to the lid and wall and gets the wire in there before final assembly of the finger joints. THEN he planes off the round part of the dowel segments on the back so the back of the box is actually flat!

I have done some wood butchering in my day, but this whole process simply blows my mind! I simply cannot imagine someone having that level of skill, first of all, but mostly I can't imagine anyone having that level of patience! If you've ever done any woodworking, the process of making that hinge will blow your mind, too!

Sorry, Price, I just had to chime in here and expand on your comments about the hinge. When I saw this in pieces and Paul described the process to me, my jaw hit the table. I missed seeing the final product before it went out, because I was out of town. Thanks for the photos!
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