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Super adjustable with two date codes?

Guys I have a super adjustable with the date code w3 on the bottom of the head but inside the head it has an x1. What does this mean? Thanks
It's made from pieces that span the switch-over from metal to plastic adjustment plates on the Super Adjustables. Starting in 1977 the adjustment plate -- the bottom part of the head where your W-3 date code was stamped -- was changed to a black plastic piece, and Gillette moved the date code stamping to the inside of the head on the guard plate (where your X-1 code is). Your razor was made with that new-style guard plate and an old-style adjustment plate -- presumably early on in the first quarter of '77 while they were using up parts that were left over from the year before.
Very cool find, and while there's no telling how rare they were coming out of the factory, odds are they are extremely rare to find now, that's my best guess on that part.
If I had been entertaining a trade with a buddy should I consider this a more valuable than it was before I noticed the two codes... Plus I was born in the first quarter of 77 and I'm not a big fan of the plastic adjuster plates so maybe I should hold into this one... Might not ever run across a 77 1st quarter with metal adjuster plate...plus my buddies birthday is also in the first quarter of 77... I'm thinking he might have to sweeten the deal... Thanks guys
Yeah, if that's a birthyear/quarter razor, I'd definitely be holding onto it myself, even more so since it's pretty rare of a combo to find in the configuration it has.
I would think that they're not very common at all -- I've certainly only heard of a small number of examples, but I can't honestly say I've been looking for them either -- but that doesn't necessarily mean that they'd be hugely more valuable than a standard Super Adjustable. Personally, I'd think a small premium as a curiosity would be reasonable, but unless you were able to find two people who were into collecting "error" models to bid against each other I wouldn't think you'd be talking about much more than that.

Like Shave_Rat said, I think the more significant issue is that this would seem to be your ultimate birth-quarter razor. Not only is it from your birth quarter, but it's got the metal adjustment plate that you prefer. If it were me I'd hang onto it just on that basis alone. Who knows if you'll ever find another?
Congrats to showle for that unique find.

But I am troubled that MacDaddy would label this razor as an "error"...:biggrin1:
I would rather call it an "indicator" razor. Just look at what that combination of parts communicated to you, the story of that transition.
I actually look for that type of combination and enjoy the process of figuring out the "razors story."
OK.....I guess it is official.....I'm a freak.
But I am troubled that MacDaddy would label this razor as an "error"...:biggrin1:
I would rather call it an "indicator" razor. Just look at what that combination of parts communicated to you, the story of that transition.
I actually look for that type of combination and enjoy the process of figuring out the "razors story."

Those were finger quotes I put around "error" for just that reason.

On the plus side, it looks like showle just needs to find one more "freak" to get his bidding war going. :lol:
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