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Summer brew?

I like the porter and stout types of beer, but what is a good beer when it gets warmer. I have tried the Red Hook Pilsner and it is good. What do you guys suggest for summer time drinking? Thanks.
These are all styles:

Hefeweizen, American Wheat, Pilsner, Pale Ale, Witbier, Berlinerweiss, Saison, Trippel. Just to name a few.
These are all styles:

Hefeweizen, American Wheat, Pilsner, Pale Ale, Witbier, Berlinerweiss, Saison, Trippel. Just to name a few.

I agree! I made a great lemon-lime hefeweizen, and that was awesome summer beer just sittin' down by the lake. Can't go wrong with any of the others, either! But I tend to avoid really hoppy stuff.
I know I'm not the norm but I reach for the hoppy stuff year round. I love Red Hook's Longhammer IPA after mowing the lawn. Sierra Nevada's summer specialty is Hoptimum and it is a beast of an IIPA.
When I get back to the states, I'm going to have me a Brooklyn Summerale, along with some hefeweizens, and a nice Presidente Pilsner.
I tend to drink more hefeweizen, witbier, and pilsner/lager in the summer.


One of my favorites.
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I'm a stout guy too, but a hot summer day gets me drinking stuff that I would normally stay away from. Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy and Shiner Ruby Redbird come immediately to mind. They don't really taste entirely like beer. Summer Shandy tastes like a beer-lemonade mix, and Redbird tastes like a beer-grapefruit soda mix. Super refreshing stuff when the temperature is high.
Any Weizen/Weiss/Wit type of beer. In other words, any beer that is (partly) brewed from wheat. It's a known thirst quencher in Germany and the low countries, more so than your typical lager.
Well, my go to summer beers are:

Hoegaarden- A white unfiltered Belgium witbier that is spiced with coriander and orange peel. It has hints of citrus, apple with a bit of spice. Never disappoints and is quite refreshing.

Wittekerke- Another Belgium witbier using a base of wheat and malt. Pretty much like Hoegaarden with hints of citrus and coriandar. A bit harder to find but if you're a fan of Hoegaarden check this beer out.

Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy- A staple in the midwest, its a wheat beer with a hint of lemonade. Great on a hot summer night.

This summer I'll definitely be exploring the sour beers I posted about a few weeks back.
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Depending on your tastes, it is pretty traditional to switch to a bit hoppier beers for warmer months. They tend to be perceived as more refreshing. Pale ale would likely be the least hoppy, with an IPA next and then Double IPA or Imperial being at the upper end.

Dogfish head 60 minute is a good beer, likely in the mid range of these. Troegs hop back is also good, similar hop profile. Sierra Nevada is a good, easy to find example which is a bit less hoppy.
Not to rain on anyones parade...but Leinenkugels...really??? All of their beers taste like Fruity Pebbles!

Living in Chicagoland, I've tried most of Lenie's stuff throughout the years that is available at the local liquer store (which is quite a bit here). And yeah, some of their seasonal stuff like their Lemon Berry Shandy, Sunset Wheat, Berry or Honey Weiss taste fruity.

But their Original brew, Creamy Dark, Oktoberfest and their Russian Imperial Stout do not. Leinenkugel's has always brewed good stuff imo, but over the last several years I've kind of gotten away from them. Mostly because there's so much other stuff out there to try.

But I think they still offer a pretty balanced selection.
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If available, try Cigar City Jai Alai IPA. Very crisp finish, hints of grapefruit, quite refeshing. I enjoy chilling and pounding Fuller's London Pride in the summer, too.
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