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suggestions - next razor to try

Okay, I'm still a noob to all this so I'm not certain what razor I should try next. I've shaved with the Merkur HD and a Gillette Super Speed both with good results. The Super Speed seems to provide a closer shave for me. Looking for some thoughts on what other razors I should consider next. Thanks in advance.
A NEW is an excellent choice, or any of the open comb Gillette razors for that matter. If you prefer to have a brand new razor, the Merkur open combs are also top-notch.
I joined in April after just purchasing a Murker Classic Long Handle. Since then I have used an SS, SS Flair Tip, SS Black Tip, Fat Boy, Slim Adjustable, Canadian Tech, and Old Type Open Comb (I probably messed up some of the correct names). My favorites are the 2 adjustables and the Old but they have all been good depending on which blade I use. The only one I don't care too much for is the Canadian. It just didn't get as close as I wanted although the shave was exceptionaly smooth and comfortable. Coming up in my rotation is a SS Red Tip and Black Handle and maybe my Rolls. I am looking to purchase a SE to try as well.
A NEW is an excellent choice, or any of the open comb Gillette razors for that matter. If you prefer to have a brand new razor, the Merkur open combs are also top-notch.

+1 on the NEW. Or a New Improved - I love the weight and balance of the New Improveds, especially.
gillette slim adjustable is a must...great weight, not too short, not too long...adjustable...handle not too fat or too not fat...great razor overall...throw a feather in it and you are ready to take over the sink...

slants are awesome, but mind your technique for sure...they are amazing shavers, but a little stingy on forgiveness...especially with a feather loaded up...make sure that you line the blade up also when you load the blade...a mistake that has been made numerous times by new slant users...I was lucky enough to read about that on here before mine arrived...but my slim is my number one and my slant is fighting hard for number one alongside it...

my favorite combos right now are


slant/red personna

1912 Gem Jr., why screw around with cheap imitations when you can get the real deal?
I know the Old GI has been touting the Gem's a lot, and I have to agree. My past 4 shaves have been with a Gem, and I've had little desire to try anything else.

Though I will. I have 4 NEW's and have yet to try one. :eek:

Then again, my list of what to try from my collection is LONG.


1912 Gem Jr., why screw around with cheap imitations when you can get the real deal?

Um.... Is that the right box?
I know the Old GI has been touting the Gem's a lot, and I have to agree. My past 4 shaves have been with a Gem, and I've had little desire to try anything else.

Though I will. I have 4 NEW's and have yet to try one. :eek:

Then again, my list of what to try from my collection is LONG.

Um.... Is that the right box?

You have 4 NEWs? dang... I'm curious to try one...
it depend also on how much money you d want to spend .
I wil consider a Futur if i were you but it's expensive.

Or you can find a nice New for less money. The 25C is really nice and quite cheap also
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