I just have a big crystal ashtray I dump the contents of my pockets into when I get home. I also have another container where loose change goes, and the contents of that add up pretty quickly, which is an easy way to save for toys I don't really need without missing the money.
I have a few empty cigar boxes that I use. One for whatever I have in my pockets (wallet, keys, etc.), another for change, and a couple inside the top drawer of my dresser for miscellaneous things. To make things easier I took the lids off all of them excep the one I keep my change in.
Ross has lots of cigar box sized wooden boxes that are nice looking and cheap. I have one for general crap that goes in my pockets, and one for watches.
I have an incolay stone box with a sectionalized interior with a velvet lining. it fits a small to medium sized wallet, checkbook, 4 watches, loose change, lighter, extra credit/discount cards that I don't keep in my wallet on a daily basis.
I have a fair-sized earring collection (8mm), and my hanging pieces pose a storage dilemma. After a lot of looking at pricier display options I settled on one from FindingKing. The quality isn't fantastic, but they have display trays for just about anything. I've got this one: http://www.findingking.com/p-22210-glass-lid-jewelry-display-case-black-14-34.aspx . The preview pictures give you an idea of the insert options.
ETA: I've also heard great things about this gent's modular systems: http://www.etsy.com/people/krtwood
I bought several clear plastic drawer organizers from Target. Works perfectly. They were like $4 each. A place for watches, rings, lighters, pocket knives, spare change, cell phone, wallet, keys, collar stays, etc.
Similar to post #2 I have a big carnival glass type bowl on top the dresser to put the stuff from my pockets in. I use an old shaving cream bowel for change, kept in the sock drawer.