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Suggestions for mens valet or drawer organizer?

Looking for ideas on turning my top bureau drawer into an organizer for my watches, lighters, cell phone, wallet, etc.

Anyone have any suggestions. The top of my bureau is getting pretty cluttered.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I just have a big crystal ashtray I dump the contents of my pockets into when I get home. I also have another container where loose change goes, and the contents of that add up pretty quickly, which is an easy way to save for toys I don't really need without missing the money.
I have a few empty cigar boxes that I use. One for whatever I have in my pockets (wallet, keys, etc.), another for change, and a couple inside the top drawer of my dresser for miscellaneous things. To make things easier I took the lids off all of them excep the one I keep my change in.
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I use a valet like this one.

Ross has lots of cigar box sized wooden boxes that are nice looking and cheap. I have one for general crap that goes in my pockets, and one for watches.
I have an incolay stone box with a sectionalized interior with a velvet lining. it fits a small to medium sized wallet, checkbook, 4 watches, loose change, lighter, extra credit/discount cards that I don't keep in my wallet on a daily basis.


I have the one with the mule deer on in.
I have a fair-sized earring collection (8mm), and my hanging pieces pose a storage dilemma. After a lot of looking at pricier display options I settled on one from FindingKing. The quality isn't fantastic, but they have display trays for just about anything. I've got this one: http://www.findingking.com/p-22210-glass-lid-jewelry-display-case-black-14-34.aspx . The preview pictures give you an idea of the insert options.
ETA: I've also heard great things about this gent's modular systems: http://www.etsy.com/people/krtwood
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I bought several clear plastic drawer organizers from Target. Works perfectly. They were like $4 each. A place for watches, rings, lighters, pocket knives, spare change, cell phone, wallet, keys, collar stays, etc.
Similar to post #2 I have a big carnival glass type bowl on top the dresser to put the stuff from my pockets in. I use an old shaving cream bowel for change, kept in the sock drawer.
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