i'd love to have the time and resources to do this sort of stuff.:thumbup:
Oct 21, 2013 #1 goatee i'd love to have the time and resources to do this sort of stuff. Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2017
Oct 22, 2013 Thread starter #3 goatee the tools, and the time. i wish i had. personally though, i would have made the spacers out of cow bone for some contrast at the ends.
the tools, and the time. i wish i had. personally though, i would have made the spacers out of cow bone for some contrast at the ends.
Oct 23, 2013 #6 pmaster Hmmm, looks like we cross-posted! http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/369310-Straight-razor-making-start-to-finish Very cool video indeed
Hmmm, looks like we cross-posted! http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/369310-Straight-razor-making-start-to-finish Very cool video indeed
Oct 23, 2013 Thread starter #7 goatee we posted the same video, on the same day?!?!? great minds think alike. bongofury, if you mean str8 shaving? i do. actually making my own blades from scratch? no,... not so much. but i'd love to try it!!
we posted the same video, on the same day?!?!? great minds think alike. bongofury, if you mean str8 shaving? i do. actually making my own blades from scratch? no,... not so much. but i'd love to try it!!
Oct 24, 2013 #8 S skipnord Thanks, Charlie - really learned a lot - This will really help with the grinding one I'm working on.