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Substantial Blade Performance Increase In Different Razors?

Yes. Happened to me with Bic Platinum blades. They were strictly a two shave blade for me, till I tried them in the Pils razor--I could then get 4 good shaves. I also found the Astra worked much better in the Pils.

But those are the only two.
Yes. In my EJ DE87, about the only thing I get a great shave with is a Feather.
All the others seem harsh, dull and rough.

In my HD, just about everything works well. RPIP, Astra, Iridium, 7 O'clock Yellow and Feather all give good, comfortable shaves. Even the Merkur blade works good (one time). Some are better than others, but they all are acceptable to me.

except Dorcos, those suck :lol:

I think it has something to do with aggressiveness/blade exposure of the razor itself. Less aggressive razor works better with a sharper blade.
Same here: Iridiums work great in the HD and 11c, but not in the Slant, 7 o'clock yellows (my favourite blade) suck in the Parat.
The Futur seems to be the only razor that performs equally well with all my blades, depending on the settings.
I had five fantastically smooth and irritation free shaves from a Timor blade in my EJ DE89L. When I put a fresh Timor in my Super Speed and I could barley make it through one pass due to roughness, tugging, and overall pain with each stroke. I switched the same blade back into the EJ and it was smooth as butter.
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Same here: Iridiums work great in the HD and 11c, but not in the Slant, 7 o'clock yellows (my favourite blade) suck in the Parat.
The Futur seems to be the only razor that performs equally well with all my blades, depending on the settings.

Same here Iridiums and Yellow are "bad" in the Enigma, but good in the oc. Most blades seem to work well in the oc.
I find that the Futur is able to accept most blades without difficulty. My Merkur 39C isn't temperamental about blades but are some blades that appear to work better than others.
Here's why I ask, I had one of the worst shaves of my life the other day, blade in Krona...dragging, pulling mess, lots of razorburn following (my prep was kind of off that day too which didn't help). In the spirit of second chances I put the blade in my Mergress (set at my usual 3)...same start...not good, turned the dial up to 4 and instant improvement :tongue_smfinished the shave with minimal burn and a lot less touch up than the previous. You can definitely alter results with blades with a different razor.:thumbup1:
With most blades I get about twice as many shaves by using them in a slim and most blades give a more effective shave (without more irritation) in a Progress compared to the HD.
Not long ago I put a fresh Gillette Swede in a SS and found it a bit irritating. I took the same blade in a Tech and got 15 amazingly good shaves from that same blade!
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