Let's say I successfully complete a straight shave this weekend and decide it's something I want to do regularly. Could I strop my razor in the evening for the next morning's shave, to save time in the morning?
I'm just curious guys, why is it better to strop right before, and not the night before?
Theoretically, your still getting the same edge two minutes ago compared to 8 hours ago if you strop consistantly. The blade shouldn't be doing much over 8 hours. The blade isn't in use shaving other people at night, isn't exposed to moisture or throwing itself down a flight of stairs? So how is the blade degrading?
The blade isn't in use shaving other people at night . . . or throwing itself down a flight of stairs?
If it is, I've got bigger worries than stropping!
If your talking HCS you would be shocked to learn that the stuff has an incredible affinity for oxidation. After you finish shaving and dry the blade within minutes literally, rust is beginning to form. You can't see it because its on a molecular level but it is there and accumulates. Stropping before shaving removes it.