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strop restoration problem!

i have recently bought a strop that i re conditioned, however, i had a few questions :)

first off, the cloth portion, what can i clean that with? its dirty, and i'ld like to finish that part up.

secondly, i have a little area where it looks like someone's thumb was there for some time, and it has some cracking. can i sand that down a little? or is it best not to mess with it.

lastly, there is a bend i cant get out, it can be fixed by pulling on the strop, but the bend comes back. i'd like to make sure its flat, what can i use to flatten it?

i think thats about it, i used a bit of saddle soap on it, and conditioned it with mink oil and it does work nicely.
I can only comment on the bend, can you place a flat piece of wood on top with a weight to flatten it out?
If that thumb print isn't raised, it's probably not going to be an issue unless your blade is getting caught on the cracks. Hard to say w/o seeing it but if it bugs you you can definitely treat it like a nick an give it a little buff with some fine sandpaper.
Rubbing (like heavy stropping) the surface with a glass bottle can improve the "finish" on the leather. I sanded one (down to about 1500 grit if I remember correctly) after putting neatsfoot oil on it. Rubbing (with pressure) with a wine bottle made the surface nice and smooth. Of course choosing the wine is a personal choice!
I can only comment on the bend, can you place a flat piece of wood on top with a weight to flatten it out?

it never occurred to me, but i could put it between some balsa and clamp it down maybe, see what happens

the cracked part is more like a divot, but almost a compressed thumb look. i'll have to get some pictures to explain it!

it doesn't hit the blade which is a good thing. the other side of the strop is good, i wonder if that would work better? i'd have to clean that side too.
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