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Strop DIY

so, I picked up some nice red latigo from the local Tandy's today, figured I'd make a strop to learn on (since my friend gently suggested I get my own after I put a small nick in the one I was borrowing from him..ha).
question is this - other than handles/mounts to keep it straight and flat; is there anything I need to do to this leather to make it suitable for stropping?

perhaps there are some other threads or websites that I could be pointed to?

any help is highly appreciated!

maybe this could be also be a thread about all of your experiences in the DIY strop department?
I'm currently using a 2" red latigo strop that is actually a spare belt I made 15 years back. I slathered it with Fromm Strop Dressing, and it's been oiled with neatsfoot oil every few years the last decade n' a half. Otherwise I did nothing, but when I cut it, I wet it and hammered it flatter with a rubber mallet, compressing it as much as it would, before using the beveler to chamfer all four edges. This made the beveller cut a bit deeper at the 'corners' and helped even up the bevels top & bottom (hide side and flesh side) ..

whether any of this helps I don't know. I'm right at the same beginning point you are..
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