I've taken a liking to face lathering lately simply because it is easier, but this happened both once with a bowl lather+application and a regular face lather.
It was two badger brushes, both TGN knots, and both I have used before to no ill effect. However, these times on the initial face scrub the high parts of my cheeks felt like they were burning horribly. Both times I used products that I have used before and know I am not sensitive to, so I know it's the brush. Does anyone know what this could have been?
It was two badger brushes, both TGN knots, and both I have used before to no ill effect. However, these times on the initial face scrub the high parts of my cheeks felt like they were burning horribly. Both times I used products that I have used before and know I am not sensitive to, so I know it's the brush. Does anyone know what this could have been?