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Straight Shaving while wearing glasses

Hey guys,

Got my first straight from Larry on Friday and have had three shaves so far with it. The first two were not particularly good and I finished up with a DE. The third one, however, was not only enjoyable, but pretty good as well. Three passes all WTG. Here's my problem though: between the length of the blade and the need for a second hand to stretch the skin, my eyeglasses keep getting in the way. I'm nearsighted and so if I get a shaving mirror that I can bring to within a couple of inches of my nose, then I can shave without them, but would rather not add something else to the shave den.

What do the rest of you do about this? Is it just a matter of getting better at working around them?
I wear progressive lenses, and I can't see squat without them. I'm a newb too, and have been working on my style. At first I was using both my left and right(dominant) hand, but I think I am doing better by just using my right. I have to do some contortions to see what's going on at the top of my cheeks, but otherwise it seems to be no prob.
Hang in there, if I can do it, anyone can!
I shave without them. They definitely get in my way. I can't see well enough to read or drive, but I can see my face enough in the mirror to avoid losing an ear! :lol:
Why do you need to see anything in detail?

I shave my head occasionally with a straight and haven't cut my ears off yet.
I just learned to work around them. I tried going without a few times, and due to poor depth perception (different script in each eye), laid the edge into my face twice. I can do without that. the only time my glasses get in the way is when I'm working up near my sideburns. and I've learned to work around them. I haven't lathered them once however.
Why do you need to see anything in detail?

I shave my head occasionally with a straight and haven't cut my ears off yet.

Well, that's a good question. Hadn't considered it. There is one low profile mole on my chin which I visually work around, but the real answer, I suppose, is that I've shaved by sight for over 30 years and it's just what I'm used to. I don't think it's immediately an option for me to just work by feel yet. Trying to learn a straight; trying to use my left hand for part of it; and then to do it blind might just be too much all at once.

I'll think about it though.
I'm pretty darn nearsighted...I just shave without the glasses. Everything is blurry, but I do it by feel. Nothing lopped off yet.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I once got so close to the mirror I bumped the scales and cut myself.

I wear my contacts while shaving, if possible.
The replies to my question remind me of the old joke about a man who sees his doctor and says "it hurts when I hold my left arm over my head". The doctor says " so don't do that". Never even considered it an option to do it by feel.
I once got so close to the mirror I bumped the scales and cut myself.

Did that once, felt stupid. The second time I did that...well, lets just say I'd rather see fuzz in the mirror than a clear view of a line o' the red.
personally my only option is a right handed shave..gets tricky going from right to left side of your face but in time it works fine
I shave without them. After ruining a couple edges before I knew how to hone, I figured I would learn to do without them. At first it wasn't easy, but once you develop your muscle memory, you don't need to see that well.
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