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Straight razor id

i bought this on a flee market for about 5 dollars. i have read that puma has made good blades but i was curious if anyone could tell me a bit more $DSC_0034.jpg$DSC_0035.jpg
i realise that the pics arent great but it says: 11 puma solingen on one side and best german steel on the ohter
Don't know any more about it then you got a good deal for $5. I have never used one but Puma's are up there with the best.
i should say that its pretty dull and i need to hone it. But it was a fun thing though, having used my shavette for about three weeks i just decided to go for a straight razor to try the "real" thing and then i found this.
I have 3 Pumas. They are by far some of the very best steel to ever come out of Solingen. Awesome deal! Mine were no where near that cheap.
I bought it from a woman who got it from her grandfather and it had just been in a cupboard for 20 years so she decided to sell it, lucky me :biggrin1:

stropped it yesterday and could wait so i tried it and it gave a really good shave, very good handling and its already my favorite of my three razors
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