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straight razor id help

this (see picture) is etched on the blade of the razor (silber stahl - silver steel). Anyone recognize the logo .. and um its Ribbons not snakes, Hearth, crown and cross. :001_rolle

On the tang one side is - Garantie Solingen on the other No 520x1/2 Germany.

On the box its the same .. Silber Stahl - Garantie Solingen.

The razor measures 6/8 I think (18mm) and by my newbie eye half hollow (maybe full).

$2013-04-30 19.49.44.jpg

I'll post some pictures soon .. night already here and i'm terrible with artificial light picture taking.​
yeah that's the etching .. oh and it is (was) a barber notch .. was coz it is chipped (not by me) so i'm doing a bit of a shortening
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