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Storing a safety razor (Newb Question)

I've had my safety razor for a month, I haven't used it yet being that I have multiple other razors to use and I'm trying to use up products, but here's the question, Can I store my Safety razor after using it in a plastic sandwich bag and it won't harm it?

You are best to leave it open to the air.

In a drawer.

On a stand

If you put it in a baggie, add a dry silica gel pack to keep moisture down.

I vote for the drawer/box method of storage myself



I need a flea bath
I use a toothbrush holder. I can keep the four razors I have in rotation in it, plus my brush fits in the middle. Mike had a great idea for razors not in use.
]I have dedicated my medicine cabinet to my razor collection. A strip of the non-skid drawer liner is a great way to protect the finish of the metal.

I never will place my razors on a surface harder than cloth or sponge, but I am anal-retentive about the care any of my equipment.[/B][/COLOR]
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OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I have a bunch of razors in sandwich bags to stop them getting scratched. If it is dry when it goes in it will be fine.
If you put them in a ziplock bag when wet you could have a problem with mold. If they are dry it shouldn't be a problem.
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