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Stores in California: Davis, Sacramento or San Francisco


I'm going to the States for my summer vacation (meeting my girlfriend who's studying abroad), and I really want to visit stores selling proper products. Can anyone help me out with this?

I appreciate any help!
There is a really nice art of shaving store in SF. Big selection of neat stuff but very high prices. They even have high end electric shavers.
The wiki has some information: start at http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Shopping by Country. To the best of my knowledge there is nothing in SF or Sacramento on the scale of Pasteur in NYC, Mertz in Chicago, or WCS in LA. Have you considered an overnight layover in NYC, so you could visit Pasteur?

Wherever you go, I would suggest concentrating on things that you cannot get in Europe. Take a look at USA_Nationwide_Various_Locations_Shaving_Supplies for general information: where to buy Clubman, for example. Specific to SF I second The Art of Shaving, and would add Nancy Boy. There are a few other shops in the general area: see the wiki for details. Wingtip has some T&H products, for example, although I think they no longer have any of the T&H-branded Rooney brushes.

You might also think about doing some antiquing or visiting flea markets. SF is not great for this, but I believe there are some large ones in Sacramento. This could be a rare chance to find a nice vintage razor or a brush handle.

It may seem like an odd idea, but this could also be a chance to mail-order some of the products that are impractical to ship overseas. I am thinking of small outfits like Mike's, Mystic Waters, or Saint Charles. Also Rooney brushes, which are unaccountably difficult to buy outside the USA.
I fly directly from Copenhagen to SF, so any stops in NYC would be, at best, impractical ;)

I really, really want to visit some flea markets. Sacramento is only a short drive away from where I'm staying, so we are planning on visiting there.

I will check out the wiki, and make a note of "Art of Shaving". Thanks, guys!
Sacramento has some decent antique malls, but they're well picked over. You need to drive a couple hours away from any large city to start finding razors in the wild.
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