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Stop throwing out my stuff damn it!

Once upon a time I had some books, and a few old and rare computer games complete with manuals and boxes, and a banker's box of unfinished plastic model kits, paints, brushes, glues, etc. I set these on the top shelf in my closet when I moved out so I could deal with them later, not having the space for it where I was going and expecting it to be a temporary arrangement.

So, I graduated high school, and started college. When I started college I moved into an apartment with a friend. He brought in another friend...Who brought his marijuana along, which he started selling to earn extra cash...Which somehow attracted some DEA types who kicked the freaking door in one day to see if anybody was around to answer a few questions:001_rolle...So we got thrown out and I wound up back at home...:glare:

Great, I'm living at home again and I feel crappy about it, but I'm chipping in. I chip in to help with water/electric bills and food, and cover all the costs of the car I drive, do all the snow shoveling and lawn moving and oil changes, etc.

My room, in the meantime, had been relocated across the hall so that my little sister could have the big room. Well, what the hell do I care? I don't use my room for much, what with the whole going to college and having a job thing...:glare:

Oh, yhea, just one more thing...
Can I have the books and boxes that were on my top shelf? I know a guy who offered me a lot more money for them than I paid for them and I'd like to sell them to him...
What do you mean 'Don't obsess over it'? Who's obsessing over it?
What the hell do you mean 'Stop worrying about it and it'll turn up some day'?
No, I will not be quiet until you answer the damn question!

Yup...Somebody offered me $40 for an old PC game I somehow had gotten two copies of years back, but it's sitting somewhere in a land fill right now...
Once upon a time I had some books, and a few old and rare computer games complete with manuals and boxes, and a banker's box of unfinished plastic model kits, paints, brushes, glues, etc. I set these on the top shelf in my closet when I moved out so I could deal with them later, not having the space for it where I was going and expecting it to be a temporary arrangement.

Can I have the books and boxes that were on my top shelf? I know a guy who offered me a lot more money for them than I paid for them and I'd like to sell them to him...
What do you mean 'Don't obsess over it'? Who's obsessing over it?
What the hell do you mean 'Stop worrying about it and it'll turn up some day'?
No, I will not be quiet until you answer the damn question!

Yup...Somebody offered me $40 for an old PC game I somehow had gotten two copies of years back, but it's sitting somewhere in a land fill right now...

Oh no !!!! Bad News !!!

I left all my stuff at the parents when I moved out. My parents moved all my ( and my sisters ) old toys, books etc when they moved and they're all sitting under their house at the moment.

I know there's some pretty collectible comics under there, but just haven't had the time to dig around down under their house. Hopefully they're all still good as I remember wrapping them before I left home. :001_smile
Yeah, I think that this is the classic guy's Oedipal "Why did you throw away my ______ collection?"

Conversation always go like this:

You: Mom, where's my box of baseball cards?
Mom: I don't know.
You: Mom, that box had rookie cards for Babe Ruth, Stan Musial, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, Lou Gehrig, Dizzy Dean, Ty Cobb and five hundred other hall of famers. You know how much those cards are worth?
Mom: You should have taken better care of them.
You: You threw them away, didn't you?
Mom: No, I didn't. You must have gotten rid of them.
You: You threw them away! That was my retirement!
Mom: Accch, I never would have throw them away.

And this will haunt you to the rest of your days and will a story you will repeat forever and cause you to save every possible lowly stamp, book, record and other tsochke, until one day you die and your SWIMBO sells it all for pennies on the dollar at a yard sale.


Jeff in Boston
My parents were smart enough to hold on to alot of my toys, but now they won't give 'em to me! Oh wait, I did get the Transformer's cat that turns into a mini-cassette. Sometime's its worse knowing exactly where these things are & that you can't have them.
And my wife....she moves my stuff! Nothing I own is where I left it. I feel like I'm on an Easter egg hunt searching for that last egg some days!
My mom sold all my "funny books" to a junk dealer for $50 bucks. Thought she really took him to the cleaners. Hundreds of great Silver Age comics in excellent condition, plus the first issue of Conan the Barbarian.
Once upon a time I had some books, and a few old and rare computer games complete with manuals and boxes, and a banker's box of unfinished plastic model kits, paints, brushes, glues, etc. I set these on the top shelf in my closet when I moved out so I could deal with them later, not having the space for it where I was going and expecting it to be a temporary arrangement.

So, I graduated high school, and started college. When I started college I moved into an apartment with a friend. He brought in another friend...Who brought his marijuana along, which he started selling to earn extra cash...Which somehow attracted some DEA types who kicked the freaking door in one day to see if anybody was around to answer a few questions:001_rolle...So we got thrown out and I wound up back at home...:glare:

Great, I'm living at home again and I feel crappy about it, but I'm chipping in. I chip in to help with water/electric bills and food, and cover all the costs of the car I drive, do all the snow shoveling and lawn moving and oil changes, etc.

My room, in the meantime, had been relocated across the hall so that my little sister could have the big room. Well, what the hell do I care? I don't use my room for much, what with the whole going to college and having a job thing...:glare:

Oh, yhea, just one more thing...
Can I have the books and boxes that were on my top shelf? I know a guy who offered me a lot more money for them than I paid for them and I'd like to sell them to him...
What do you mean 'Don't obsess over it'? Who's obsessing over it?
What the hell do you mean 'Stop worrying about it and it'll turn up some day'?
No, I will not be quiet until you answer the damn question!

Yup...Somebody offered me $40 for an old PC game I somehow had gotten two copies of years back, but it's sitting somewhere in a land fill right now...

wow. you're parents just went ahead and threw your stuff out without telling you about it first? I think that's definitely crossing the line - the least they could've done was to say, 'hey, you're sister's moving into your room. could you please come get your stuff or it'll be thrown away.'

i've had things thrown away by my mother that i'm not too happy about, but I guess it's all water under the bridge now. for me it wasn't about monetary value but more about personal value. you can't put a price on memories imo
My parents were smart enough to hold on to alot of my toys, but now they won't give 'em to me! Oh wait, I did get the Transformer's cat that turns into a mini-cassette. Sometime's its worse knowing exactly where these things are & that you can't have them.
And my wife....she moves my stuff! Nothing I own is where I left it. I feel like I'm on an Easter egg hunt searching for that last egg some days!

My ex used to do this, but only with camera gear which had 2 shelves in our house, seriously the stuff I use for work, the only stuff that I asked you not to touch, the stuff that when I tell you what I'm looking for your wont be able to understand. Do you know what a super clamp is? No, then don't hide it from me.

I'm facing the possibility of moving in with my current girl, she better not get up to those tricks.
My mom works at a school as a lunch time supervisor and after school daycare lady.
Years ago she brought all of my Star Wars figures in for the kids to play with...

Although some 4 years since I've moved out I've still got boxes of "to go though" in my parents basement. What can I say, they've got way more storage space than me... I'll get to it eventually.
Sounds like you should have taken them with you when you moved out. You were planning on not moving back in...right?
My mom sold all my "funny books" to a junk dealer for $50 bucks. Thought she really took him to the cleaners. Hundreds of great Silver Age comics in excellent condition, plus the first issue of Conan the Barbarian.

This is beyond horrible. Did you ever talk to her again?
Here is the older generation's view.

You left this "stuff" in our house years ago. You have never expressed interest or even looked at this "stuff" when you did come home. All you did was use our washing machine, eat our food, and wake us up when you came home late. :mad3:

We have enough of our own "stuff", plus your grandparents "stuff", and maybe some of your great grandparents "stuff". We just plain have too much "stuff", and some of it is going to go. Otherwise you will have all this "stuff" to sort through yourself at some point. :001_huh:

When my married daughter comes home there are at least two boxes of her "stuff" that goes home with her. I just want that "stuff" out of my house.
Yeah, I think that this is the classic guy's Oedipal "Why did you throw away my ______ collection?"

Mom's mom threw away a lot of dad's comic books and more valuable baseball cards. He was just left with a single shoebox of cards, and mom knows the missing stuff would be worth quite a bit these days. So my stuff is safe at mom's house. I guess I need to move the junk out now that I have my own house. Someday...
You guys make me laugh. I don't live with my mother but I have a housekeeper. She does a fine job keeping my house clean but throws everything away. :lol:
Brings back memories ! Thought I was the only one. While I was in service(Johnson said he needed me), my parents threw away my comic book collection(100s from 1950-60). Then when I got married, my wife in a cleaning frenzy threw out a lot of old "junk". A few books(oldest 1768), few newspapers(1861,with Lincoln's address, "VE" paper, "Japan Surrenders" paper), and a few letters(1851-1859). Stuff happens !
Take care Rick
Just imagine all the mom's who threw out all those Action Comics #1 and Detective Comics #27 in the 1940s, 50s and 1960s, not knowing they would be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars now. My mom chucked out a lot of my stuff, including hockey, baseball cards, Wacky Packages (had several complete sets in mint condition) and comic books. Also a Conan #1 got given away by my mom.
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