Once upon a time I had some books, and a few old and rare computer games complete with manuals and boxes, and a banker's box of unfinished plastic model kits, paints, brushes, glues, etc. I set these on the top shelf in my closet when I moved out so I could deal with them later, not having the space for it where I was going and expecting it to be a temporary arrangement.
So, I graduated high school, and started college. When I started college I moved into an apartment with a friend. He brought in another friend...Who brought his marijuana along, which he started selling to earn extra cash...Which somehow attracted some DEA types who kicked the freaking door in one day to see if anybody was around to answer a few questions
...So we got thrown out and I wound up back at home...
Great, I'm living at home again and I feel crappy about it, but I'm chipping in. I chip in to help with water/electric bills and food, and cover all the costs of the car I drive, do all the snow shoveling and lawn moving and oil changes, etc.
My room, in the meantime, had been relocated across the hall so that my little sister could have the big room. Well, what the hell do I care? I don't use my room for much, what with the whole going to college and having a job thing...
Oh, yhea, just one more thing...
Can I have the books and boxes that were on my top shelf? I know a guy who offered me a lot more money for them than I paid for them and I'd like to sell them to him...
What do you mean 'Don't obsess over it'? Who's obsessing over it?
What the hell do you mean 'Stop worrying about it and it'll turn up some day'?
No, I will not be quiet until you answer the damn question!
Yup...Somebody offered me $40 for an old PC game I somehow had gotten two copies of years back, but it's sitting somewhere in a land fill right now...
So, I graduated high school, and started college. When I started college I moved into an apartment with a friend. He brought in another friend...Who brought his marijuana along, which he started selling to earn extra cash...Which somehow attracted some DEA types who kicked the freaking door in one day to see if anybody was around to answer a few questions

Great, I'm living at home again and I feel crappy about it, but I'm chipping in. I chip in to help with water/electric bills and food, and cover all the costs of the car I drive, do all the snow shoveling and lawn moving and oil changes, etc.
My room, in the meantime, had been relocated across the hall so that my little sister could have the big room. Well, what the hell do I care? I don't use my room for much, what with the whole going to college and having a job thing...

Oh, yhea, just one more thing...
Can I have the books and boxes that were on my top shelf? I know a guy who offered me a lot more money for them than I paid for them and I'd like to sell them to him...
What do you mean 'Don't obsess over it'? Who's obsessing over it?
What the hell do you mean 'Stop worrying about it and it'll turn up some day'?
No, I will not be quiet until you answer the damn question!
Yup...Somebody offered me $40 for an old PC game I somehow had gotten two copies of years back, but it's sitting somewhere in a land fill right now...