I just got a new Rooney Type 3 Size 2 "Super Silvertip" from Vintage Blades and boy does it stink! Rather strong musky smell.
In all the brushes I've owned I've never experienced anything quite this. My other brushes are a Duke 3, Thater 4292/3 and a Rooney Heritage Stubby 3. The Stubby is from VB itself. And none of them had any smell.
I've run it through several shampoo washes and also a couple of lather runs but the smell persists. And its losing a lot of hair too but that might just be the break in hair loss.
I am also fairly paranoid about it being clean so I am actually contemplating running it through diluted disinfectant to be sure its sterilized. But fear that it may damage the hair in the long run.
Anyone else experience something similar with a Rooney? I thought of them as the gold standard of shaving brushes and wouldn't have expected them to stink.
In all the brushes I've owned I've never experienced anything quite this. My other brushes are a Duke 3, Thater 4292/3 and a Rooney Heritage Stubby 3. The Stubby is from VB itself. And none of them had any smell.
I've run it through several shampoo washes and also a couple of lather runs but the smell persists. And its losing a lot of hair too but that might just be the break in hair loss.
I am also fairly paranoid about it being clean so I am actually contemplating running it through diluted disinfectant to be sure its sterilized. But fear that it may damage the hair in the long run.
Anyone else experience something similar with a Rooney? I thought of them as the gold standard of shaving brushes and wouldn't have expected them to stink.