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Sticking your razor sets in a dark, musty old drawer: NOT the way to display them!

It's funny - you really don't enjoy these things as much when you have to pull open a dresser drawer just to look at them. Who'da thunk it? I need a display case, but I'm a designer and a furniture snob so one that would meet my approval would cost more than I'm able to spend! My wife is an authorized Stickley retailer, and we can get a sweet discount, but I can't afford that stuff even WITH a deep discount.

Who else is neglecting their razors by stuffing them into a dark drawer?
I use a chrome toothbrush holder/stand I got for less than $20 from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. But someone selling a nicely made custom razor shelf has inspired me to try to put something together.
I have a very humble solid ok book shelf stand that I keep them on. Easily in reach of my "next shave" item. No nearly as fancy as some here but it works. Try looking for a curved china display cabinet with internal lighting. I saw one on craigslist that was $350 in my area and it was beautiful. Solid cherrry five glass shelves. New they must have paid $1500. I would have bought it but not in the budget currently as I'm doing a master bath remodel at the moment.
I am getting ready to design/build a display rack out of an Ikea shelf, some picture frame moulding, and some type of hooks or straps to hang them on. Not really sure what it will look like, but I'll post pictures when it's done. My bathroom is tiny and I have limited space to display them, so it should turn out looking a little like a poster I hope. Displaying these things with limited space is tricky though!
I started wet-shaving and apartment hunting in the same week, so "good shave den" was number one on my list of things to look for. The place I found has a cabinet with a class door recessed into the wall. I still can't believe how perfect it is. Any chance you could do something like that?
I am getting ready to design/build a display rack out of an Ikea shelf, some picture frame moulding, and some type of hooks or straps to hang them on. Not really sure what it will look like, but I'll post pictures when it's done. My bathroom is tiny and I have limited space to display them, so it should turn out looking a little like a poster I hope. Displaying these things with limited space is tricky though!

you may want to consider a design based of the theory of peg board. (not neccessarily from peg board, but closely placed pegs to hang them from, set into a nice piece of wood or something like that?)
I have 2 displays: uncased I have a 10 hole pipe rack without the humidor. Cased razors I have a small wood-sided, with a glass viewing area, counter-top display box. My wife and her family used to own an auto parts store and had this laying around doing nothing with it. Had some name brand on the glass but was unreadable, so I scraped off the red paint and now have a neat display box. It is TOO SMALL now, gonna need a bigger one.
you may want to consider a design based of the theory of peg board. (not neccessarily from peg board, but closely placed pegs to hang them from, set into a nice piece of wood or something like that?)

That's almost exactly what I'm thinking of. I was going to try to find some rubberized hooks and grid out the board and screw them into the wood. Hopefully, it will turn out as well as it looks in my brain haha.
It's funny - you really don't enjoy these things as much when you have to pull open a dresser drawer just to look at them. Who'da thunk it? I need a display case, but I'm a designer and a furniture snob so one that would meet my approval would cost more than I'm able to spend! My wife is an authorized Stickley retailer, and we can get a sweet discount, but I can't afford that stuff even WITH a deep discount.

Who else is neglecting their razors by stuffing them into a dark drawer?

its not fair to the razors, they should be displayed and looked at. just give them to me and i can take good care of them
... I need a display case, but I'm a designer and a furniture snob so one that would meet my approval would cost more than I'm able to spend! ...

That is what a garage is for! This is were mine live as you can see here. Doesn't have to be a nice display case, just a cheap one and I see them every day on the way to the car ...
Here's my set up for display
It's a front opening shadow box display from Hobby Lobby.
About 40.00 for the case(IIRC) and maybe another 10 for the 1" square wood stock and other assorted fiddly bits to complete.
Magnetic latch so you have to be real gentle on initial opening and that last bit of closing.
me too :sad: but its only temporary. until a reasonable enough amount of time passes that I can let my wife see them all out in the wild. If she looked in this drawer she would be like ALL THAT IN A MONTH?? LOL

there are a few more underneath what you can see and about 4 or 5 in the bathroom :blushing:

I think even a couple of simple shelves on the wall to display your razors would be great. They have some really nice looking black or white shelves that hide the mounting screws/brackets, so the shelf looks like it's floating. You could put up 1, 2, 4...however many you need.

In my view the simpler the better to show off the beauty of the razors. I also want to display them in the bathroom, at least at this point in my hobby. Perhaps later I'd have enough to have a display case in the living room or somewhere. Even then, a simple glossy wood showcase with a glass lid or front would be my choice. I can't imagine having enough to fill a china cabinet type display, but to each his own.

I am in awe of Mark1966's collection, but I could never afford to collect at that level.
Mine is in an open loft but one has to go peek around a corner to see them. So while mine is private it's displayed in the open and easily accessible. As Alex said "all of them get a little sun tan":biggrin1:


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