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This is my son. Sometimes being a dad is the coolest thing in the entire world... $DHM shaving.jpg
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LOL! very cool pic. my daughter enjoys face lathering me up on some mornings and I always drop a smudge on her nose and we have a big laugh. never gets old. enjoy these years
Very nice! Is that a SS he has? Does he get to choose and splash on some AS? I remember that was my favorite part of "shaving" with my dad!
Very nice! Is that a SS he has? Does he get to choose and splash on some AS? I remember that was my favorite part of "shaving" with my dad!

Not sure. I stink at razor ID, but even so it's already been given to my dad so i can't really check it out...As for the AS, I only use Speick AS balm, which he doesn't seem to care for. My cologne though, he loves. Unfortunately he also loves my wife's perfume...
Very cute. When he's in his 60's, he'll fondly remember these days, telling his grandkids about how Dad let him "shave".
May he have a long and happy life. Thank you for the post. And, yes, being a Dad is the "coolest thing in the world".
hah! My son does the same thing, except he won't let me lather him up. He has his own little kit and HE HAS to lather himself. Except he only lathers the goatee area (above and below lips) so he really only gets any lather on his lips. But he LOVES shaving with Daddy and getting a bit of AS. Most mornings he likes to "smell like daddy" and get a spray of whatever cologne I'm wearing.
Get the end of that handle up! Needs a steeper angle on the blade else he'll be dragging the hairs out!

:thumbup: to your little shaver. Mine shows no interest and I'm starting to see dark edges to his moustache area (he's 13)
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