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Starting out with a Mergress..

I had been using an HD for a year. Now I just picked up a Mergress. Since this is my first adjustable, I am wondering how I should be starting out. I am not very familiar with the terms of "aggressiveness" and how it pertains to the Mergress. Is the lower setting more likely to prevent nicks? Why would you use 1 as opposed to the 5? BTW, I usually used a Feather in my HD.

Thanks in advance for your input.
I received my Mergress about a month ago (thanks Eric!). Using an Astra SP (my go to blade) I've found that doing the first pass (WTG) at a 5 followed by a XTG at 4 then a ATG at 3 works great. Most times I end up with a BBS (or DFS if I hurry) with no nicks, weepers or irritation. Soap is Cella, MWF or superlather by adding TOBS Jernym Street cream to the mix. Great razor! :thumbup:
I had been using an HD for a year. Now I just picked up a Mergress. Since this is my first adjustable, I am wondering how I should be starting out. I am not very familiar with the terms of "aggressiveness" and how it pertains to the Mergress. Is the lower setting more likely to prevent nicks? Why would you use 1 as opposed to the 5? BTW, I usually used a Feather in my HD.

Thanks in advance for your input.

Yes the lower numbers are milder and the higher ones are more aggressive. I use a Progress so I have the QC issues that your Mergress will not have. On my Progress set on 2 or 3 gets me the same feel as an HD. Another thing you could do is load a blade into ur Mergess and slowly increase the settings while watching the blade gap.
I think my Progress at 3 is about the equivalent of my HD. Start out at about 2 and then work up if you think 2 is too mild. I don't change the setting between passes. Even if I change razors I stay close to the same equivalent setting.
A Mergress was my first (and practically only) razor thanks to a good deal that popped up on BST back in January. I tried out a Tech a few months later, but am simply not a fan of it so I went right back to the Mergress. I think what I've loved most about it is that I'm able to play with different levels of aggressiveness by turning the nob rather than picking up a new razor. It has really helped me focus on technique rather than getting used to a new handle, weight, balance, etc. every time I want to turn up the dial.

I wouldn't really say the more open ranges are more prone to nicks, that seems to be more of a blade/lather issue for me. Even wide open on 5+ the only time I've ever nicked myself was when the cat barrelled into my leg while I was shaving. Mind you, this is a young, rambunctious 15lb Maine Coon; not exactly the smallest animal to interrupt you! :lol:

I really enjoy leaving it wide open when I have time to really enjoy the shave, but I've found that I get the best quick shaves sticking to the 3.5-4.5 range and using a smooth, but decently-aggressive razor like 7 o'clock yellows or Astra SPs. Feathers don't seem to agree with it, but that may be my face's issue and not the razor's.

For a while I experimented with adjusting aggressiveness between WTG, XTG, and ATG passes but it did not make enough of a difference for me to feel the need to adjust it mid-shave.
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