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Alright I'm still waiting for my DE to arrive, however I just received my sample pack of razors and I am trying to plan in anticipation, so my question to you all is...My DE is a SS the blades that came in the pack are Crystal, Feather, Astra, Personna, and Derby. Which of these is the most mild blade to start out with...I know Feathers should be last. Thanks.
Maybe this should be in the clinic forum or the blades forum? Anyway I'd start with the Personna or Crystal blades - but the exact order isn't so important.
Sorry about that still getting used to the site I didn't even see the blade subforum...I posted it there. Thanks.
Crystals, and Personna's IMO. Crystals are my daily user, when I grow excessive fuzz for a few extra days, I reach for a fresh feather though. GL2U!!
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