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Start of a military collection

My 2 military sets came in today! Of course, now I will have to try to get the rest, but at least it gives me a purpose, rather than just random purchases to satiate my RAD. Here are a few pics for Spotz, can't have him mad at me can we?:lol:
Looks great I'm also in the market for military issue kits with an emphasis on Canadian sets. I have one from 1953, but I would like some from the First and Second World Wars... I would figure if I wanted Boar War kits they would all be English.
Off to a good start Johnnie!

Ace McCool, love that Bulldog set! I've been looking out for bulldog sets but most sets on the ebay are put up with unreasonable starting prices. One day, hopefully!
Thanks, the bulldog is one of my favourite sets. Bought it not too long ago for $250. I don't know if that's a great price, but I think a standard price.

I remember seeing a thread where a member had posted a photo of their military sets all displayed very nicely (I think there was a military hat in the photo) but I can't find it now. They had a great collection and the photos were very well done, maybe somebody else knows this photo?
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Is it just me, or does it seem odd to see "Property US Army" and the name-brand "Gillette" appear together?
It looks like the Property line was put on at the factory, rather than stamped on afterwards.

I would think that anything Government Issue would have the OEM's name left off the product ... even though its pretty darned obvious who the manufacturer is, even without seeing the Diamond Logo and the "Known The World Over" motto.

I can't think of any other piece of GI gear that has blatant advertising on it like this.
Hi troops, I have two WWI SE razor sets in canvas pouches that are near mint that I could trade. One is an ever ready and one is a Valet Auto Strop. Both are complete and have original blades. Message me if interested. They go as a pair. I will email photos when necessary. (my iPhone only emails photos, for some reason I can't upload photos on the forum). By the way guys, those are all nice sets!!!
I have a question. I saw a set like this at a local shop,(the navy set), but reluctantly left it there because I didnt know anything about it other than it must be old because the box of blades had a 1938 date on the back. Is it worth picking up for around 25 bucks? Referring to the set at the top of the page under the khacki set.
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Nice start of your collection. Didn't know they even existed, here in the military we only get a no name DE and a very cheap boar brush with a shave stick.
i have been thinking about starting a military collection. they are very cool Johny. keep up the awesome collection. i really like the fold up khaki set. i have a NOS khaki set myself in my collection, the hard case
I have a question. I saw a set like this at a local shop,(the navy set), but reluctantly left it there because I didnt know anything about it other than it must be old because the box of blades had a 1938 date on the back. Is it worth picking up for around 25 bucks? Referring to the set at the top of the page under the khacki set.

I payed $15 plus shipping for this one, without the blade box. I would offer $20, but would go $25.
I have a question. I saw a set like this at a local shop,(the navy set), but reluctantly left it there because I didnt know anything about it other than it must be old because the box of blades had a 1938 date on the back. Is it worth picking up for around 25 bucks? Referring to the set at the top of the page under the khacki set.

Yep - I would grab it for that! I would probably go even a chunk higher depending on the condition.

Post pics if/when you get it.
Looks great I'm also in the market for military issue kits with an emphasis on Canadian sets. I have one from 1953, but I would like some from the First and Second World Wars... I would figure if I wanted Boar War kits they would all be English.[/

Canadian troops serving in the Boer War carried arms and equipment that often differed from standard British issue. Prowling around the net I couldn't find a listing of personal care items that were issued for the troops. However I did learn they were often issued American made sidearms and their field equipment was of a different design than the standard British issue. One famous officer even took along a C96 Mauser, his personal weapon, just like Winston Churchill. However the war ended in 1902 so I suspect if there was an issue razor there is a good chance that it was a straight instead of a DE.
Is it just me, or does it seem odd to see "Property US Army" and the name-brand "Gillette" appear together?
It looks like the Property line was put on at the factory, rather than stamped on afterwards.

Gillette was already making those sets for the retail market before they got the government contract to make them directly for the Army. That's why you'll find some that have the "Property U.S. Army" inscriptions and some that don't. The ones made under contract came out of the factory with that message on them. It's repeated on the guard plate of the razor and it was even printed on the outer cartons that these sets came in (below), but otherwise the rest of the set is the same as the retail version.

I wonder what would be said if you showed up with a "Property of the US Army" set at the local recruiter's office and told them you were returning it to them after all these years.
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