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Stahly LIve Blade Razor

I recently bought a Stahly Live Blade Razor from an antique store, and I wanted to share my impression of it. It is in exellent mechanical and cosmetic condition, tan and gold in color, and I paid $37 dollars for it.

It shaves equally well with the motor on or off, which might suggest the motor is a gimmick. On a scale of 0 to 10 with 5 being average, I would rate its performance and efficiency as an 8 or a 9 in either motor mode. In theory it is an engineering marvel, and a strong argument could be made that any serious collectior should have one in his collection. I got the best shaves with a Feather blade, and I received no cuts or nicks during one week of slow and careful daily shaving with minimal pressure. I suggest the razor is of medium aggression, slightly more aggressive than the Gillette Tech. To shave well and to shave efficiently one has to shave slowly with the Stahly Live Blade Razor, so shaving require a little extra time.

When using the motor the procedure is to let the motor and the razor do the work and do the traveling. In a way its personality is somewhat of a hybrid between an electric razor and a conventional wet shave razor. For a 4 pass shave I find I have to wind up the motor 3 times. During the second half of the running time the motor will slow down somewhat. It takes about 15 winds for the motor to be wound up tighly. It is a tiring precedure for older hands, as the winding mechanism requires considerable effort.

The main positive is that the comfort and the efficiency of the head is phenomenal with either the motor on or off. Also it is the most novel razor in my collection of about 30 DE razors.

The main negative is that the razor is heavy, bulky, and tiring to hold while shaving.

It is a nice razor to have and to use to break the monotony of shaving with a conventional double edged razor.

From memory, I believe the box said the retail price was $30 dollars, and a dollar calculator says that would be about $175 dollars in today's money. I believe the Stahly LIve blade razor was manufactured circa 1946 to 1978. For the calulation of the money I used an assumed manufacturing year from about in the middle of the manufacturing range of years.

I would be interested in the experiences and the comments of others with this unusual and very high quality razor.
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Congrats great pickup!! Pics?

+1 Yes, pics, please.

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No, the safety bar does not spin... It is a very well made, smoothly finished, grooved design that glides perfectly over skin, and certainly costs more to build than a cast in design...

Actually, the entire head is engineered to an amazing level of accuracy and spare no expense design quality. What most people don't mention, or are unaware of is the way the upper head and blade proper are solidly connected to the handle of the razor, while the lower tray, including the safety bars are actually free floating in side to side motion by virtue of a clever indexing design, and two side mounted stainless steel leaf springs that allow several MM of side to side travel, while allowing zero travel front to back... It really is the most well thought out, and well built DE shaver ever built.

It does work well without the vibrating feature, or with a stick handle installed, but with a properly working, fully wound Stahly handle, it really is shaving magic... That floating safety bar base allows you to run the razor over your face in the standard manner, with perfect blade allignment and control, while it allows the massive vibrating handle, razor blade, and top blade cap to freely move from side to side in step with the motor vibrations. That imparts a very real, but delicate side slicing motion to the blade, while preventing any of the vibration from becoming a chopping effect.... It's brilliant, and nearly erases any sense of tugging or pulling, even when trimming or removing a heavy beard. Simply brilliant.

If you own a Stahly, spend time getting used to its feel. It is worth your trouble, and you will grow to enjoy the way it makes a good blade great, and a great blade awesome. It's the only razor that I can count on for a perfect, blood free two pass shave with a Feather blade, and it makes my Astra blades perform like Feathers in my other standard DE razors (without the blood)..

Its the finest razor ever made from a technical and manufacturing perspective, even if you choose to use a standard handle with it. I'm not suggesting that it's the best razor for everyone, but if you like safety bar razors, and are looking for the next level in smooth performance without pain, it's worth spending a month with it and your favorite blades. Once you become comfortable with the experience, you will likely be hooked for life. If not, they are still pretty cheap, and make awesome additions to any razor collection! Enjoy..
No, the safety bar does not spin... It is a very well made, smoothly finished, grooved design that glides perfectly over skin, and certainly costs more to build than a cast in design...

Actually, the entire head is engineered to an amazing level of accuracy and spare no expense design quality. What most people don't mention, or are unaware of is the way the upper head and blade proper are solidly connected to the handle of the razor, while the lower tray, including the safety bars are actually free floating in side to side motion by virtue of a clever indexing design, and two side mounted stainless steel leaf springs that allow several MM of side to side travel, while allowing zero travel front to back... It really is the most well thought out, and well built DE shaver ever built.

It does work well without the vibrating feature, or with a stick handle installed, but with a properly working, fully wound Stahly handle, it really is shaving magic... That floating safety bar base allows you to run the razor over your face in the standard manner, with perfect blade allignment and control, while it allows the massive vibrating handle, razor blade, and top blade cap to freely move from side to side in step with the motor vibrations. That imparts a very real, but delicate side slicing motion to the blade, while preventing any of the vibration from becoming a chopping effect.... It's brilliant, and nearly erases any sense of tugging or pulling, even when trimming or removing a heavy beard. Simply brilliant.

If you own a Stahly, spend time getting used to its feel. It is worth your trouble, and you will grow to enjoy the way it makes a good blade great, and a great blade awesome. It's the only razor that I can count on for a perfect, blood free two pass shave with a Feather blade, and it makes my Astra blades perform like Feathers in my other standard DE razors (without the blood)..

Its the finest razor ever made from a technical and manufacturing perspective, even if you choose to use a standard handle with it. I'm not suggesting that it's the best razor for everyone, but if you like safety bar razors, and are looking for the next level in smooth performance without pain, it's worth spending a month with it and your favorite blades. Once you become comfortable with the experience, you will likely be hooked for life. If not, they are still pretty cheap, and make awesome additions to any razor collection! Enjoy..

very well put Jim....i love my STAHLY , underrated head design.
Someone, sometime ago PIF'ed me a Stahly head which I shaved with for the first time just now, attached to a Tech fat handle.

Very nice shave. More aggressive than the tech head, but just as smooth.
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